Discover Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is a haven for innovation and creativity. Businesses based in Nova Scotia are on the move and grabbing worldwide attention.

Businesses like Keane, Marsh, and RIM. All are located right here. Here are some of the reasons they are doing business in Nova Scotia:

  • Direct flights to Toronto, New York and Boston take less than two hours and it’s only a six hour flight to London
  • Next year, every person, home and business in Nova Scotia will have access to broadband, wireless, high-speed Internet services.
  • More than 14,000 people are employed in the ICT sector
  • More than 8,000 people are employed in software and services
  • Home to largest business school in Atlantic Canada, Sobey School of Business
  • Nova Scotia has the most degree-granting institutions in Canada with 11 universities and 13 community college campuses.
  • A time zone advantage that enables people to do business with clients in the U.K. and U.S. during the same business day.
  • Site Selection Magazine ranked Nova Scotia as the second most competitive province in Canada for international investment.
  • We are the "education province" and boast the highest number of universities per capita and the highest participation rates in post-secondary education in Canada.

Spirit of Co-operation

Nova Scotia offers a spirit of co-operation that is hard to come by. That’s one of the many reasons why Ivar Mendez set up his world-renowned Brain Repair Centre. Mendez says in Nova Scotia, “the common good is more important than personal interests. That is rare and must be nurtured and shared with the world."

Here are some other reasons to choose Nova Scotia:

  • Dalhousie University was named the best non-commercial scientific institute in which to work by The Scientist magazine.
  • Highest per capita rate of PhDs in marine science in the world.
  • Nova Scotia is home to MedMira, developer of the rapid HIV test; Ocean Nutrition, maker of an omega-3 ingredient that is found in 8 billion supplement servings and 2 billion food servings worldwide and to Acadian Seaplants Limited - a recognized global leader in the manufacturing of marine plant-based products for more than 70 countries worldwide

All of this, and a quality of life that offers a perfect balance. We invite you to find out more about Nova Scotia and the many advantages it has to offer as a place to invest, prosper and live.