Brand Inspection

Program Information


Livestock Identification Services Ltd

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 866 509 2088 Fax: 403 509 2098

Program Details
  Livestock Identification Services Ltd. (LIS) provides brand inspection services in Alberta. All enquiries related to brand inspection and the legislative requirements set out in the following four Acts should be directed to LIS (ph: 403-509-2088; toll-free: 1-866-509-2088; fax 403-509-2098).

The brand registration and livestock inspection system offers protection to all livestock owners. Properly branded livestock facilitate the livestock inspection process.

Each time livestock owners transport livestock, they are required by law to accurately describe their livestock on a form called a livestock manifest. A fully completed livestock manifest means describing the livestock, describing the brand(s) or other idenfiers, and also recording the location of the brand(s) on each head of livestock.

If you sell livestock bearing another person's brand, you must have documentation to prove ownership. If you do not provide the proper manifests and/or bills of sale, the sale proceeds or the animals themselves may be held until the documentation is produced or the ownership otherwise verified.

Livestock being transported out of Alberta may need to be inspected by a livestock inspector. The inspector issues a livestock transportation permit to accompany the livestock.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on January 6, 2007.