New and Expanding Confined Feeding Operations - Application and Approval

Licence Information


Natural Resources Conservation Board

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 422 1977 Fax: 780 427 0607

Licence Details
  The Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) came into effect January 1, 2002 to provide the industry with a framework for socially and environmentally sustainable livestock production in Alberta. For individual producers it means a new process when applying for the expansion and construction of confined feeding operations (CFOs) and for construction and expansion of manure storage facilities.

Under the AOPA regulations, relatively large new or expanding CFOs are required to obtain an APPROVAL before commencing construction, medicum sized operations are required to obtain a REGISTRATION, and small operations are exempt. An AUTHORIZATION is required for construction or expansion of a manure storage facility not associated with a change to livestock numbers.

Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development is responsible for the Act, and it takes the lead role in extension services and technology transfer to the livestock industry. The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) is responsible for administering the Act.

Three important steps in the new application and approval process are:

  • Speak to an NRCB Approval Officer before submitting an application form - NRCB Approval Officers have the knowledge of AOPA and the technical skills needed to give advice on construction and expansion plans. Knowing exactly what's needed at this stage helps ensure that the next stage will go smoothly.
  • Get technical information up-front - Without it, the application isn't complete and it won't be considered by the Board. Often producers will need to get professional advice from industry consultants to produce the technical information required, and that can take time. Make sure to allow for that.
  • Submit the application early, well before the planned time for construction- Producers must not start construction before they've obtained an approval, registration or authorization.

For application forms and more detailed information on the new requirements, contact the nearest NRCB office. Dial 310-0000 for a toll-free connection.
  • Lethbridge, Phone: (403) 381-5166
  • Calgary Phone (403) 662-3990
  • Red Deer, Phone: (403) 340-5241
  • Edmonton, Phone (780) 422-1977
  • Morinville, Phone (780) 939-1212
  • Fairview, Phone: (780) 835-7111
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on September 9, 2004.