Farm Implement Act Administration

Program Information


Office of the Farmers' Advocate
Alberta Agriculture and Food

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 427 2433 Fax: 780 427 3913

Program Details
  The Alberta Farm Implement Act and Regulation provides Alberta farmers with warranty protection, legal guidelines on length of warranty, the sources and availability of replacement parts, and minimum stated requirements of sales contracts.

The Act is administered by the Farmers' Advocate Office of Alberta. The office staff provides farmers with assistance to:
  • settle warranty complaints
  • mediate disputes arising over farm machinery
  • obtain emergency repair parts
  • maintain up-to-date information regarding new machinery trends
For more information, go to Alberta Farm Implement Act: Answers to Your Questions.

Assistance from the Office of the Farmers' Advocatge for older equipment that is no longer under warranty.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on August 15, 2007.