Call of the Land

Program Information


Alberta Agriculture and Food

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 422 3981 Fax: 780 427 2861

Program Details
  Call of the Land is a five day-a-week, 9-minute agricultural radio program produced by Alberta Agriculture. This information and extension program is aired on 27 Alberta commercial radio stations. For over 50 years Call of the Land has broadcast during the noon hour to a province-wide network of stations. It now reaches a daily audience of over 110,000. Aimed at rural Albertans, stories keep the agricultural community current on the latest agricultural technologies, research findings, production methods and marketing trends, as well as government programs and policies. The Call of the Land Calendar serves as a source of information on regional and provincial agricultural meetings.  
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on October 12, 2007.