Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program

Program Information


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 495 2119 Fax: 780 495 3324
Broad-based sectoral and commodity-based organizations in Canadian agriculture and agri-food sectors; companies working through these organizations

Program Details
  The Canadian Agriculture and Food International (CAFI) Program will support industry in taking integrated, long-term, value-chain-based action to increase presence in global markets.

The program is designed to support industry in building long-term strategies that will position them for success in key markets and respond to increasing consumer demands and global competition. It will help industry improve access to global markets for Canadian agricultural products and to strengthen the sector's capacity to market their products abroad.

The Program provides matching funding for industry activities that enhance and promote Canada's reputation as the world leader in supplying safe, high-quality agriculture, agri-food, beverage and seafood products that meet the changing demands of world markets.

The CAFI program delivers its financial support by providing matching contributions to industry associations in branding and market development, technical-marketing and trade advocacy.

The Program is composed of two elements: Long-Term International Strategies (LTIS) and Short-Term projects. LTIS are strategies to gain recognition and facilitate long-term sustainable export success. They are generally three- to five-year plans. Short-term projects are typically one-time activities related to new-market constraints or growth opportunities.

Broad-based sectoral and commodity-based organizations and associations in the Canadian agriculture, agri-food, and seafood sectors, as well as companies working through their associations, are welcome to submit proposals. If your organization is an industry association or alliance, or is a technical-marketing support organization, you may be eligible for funding. Only legal entities able to enter into binding contracts in Canada can participate.

The CAFI Program processes requests for funding under the long-term international strategies category once a year (the deadline is usually in January). Short-term projects are considered three times per year, usually in February, June, and September.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on September 21, 2004.