Farmer Recognition Certificate

Program Information


Canadian Wheat Board

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 800 275 4292
Farmers who have actively grain farmed for at least 50 years

Program Details
  The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) would like to recognize the significant contribution to Prairie agriculture made by farmers who have actively grain farmed for over 50 years. The CWB's farmer recognition certificate acknowledges the contributions of individual farmers to the economy of western Canada and the well being of the entire world by producing high-quality wholesome food. Each certificate names the farmer(s) being recognized and is signed by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chair of the Board of Directors of the CWB.

For more information and applications, visit the CWB website.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on February 23, 2007.