Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) Program

Program Information


Agriculture and Food Council

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: (780) 955-3714 ext. 226 Fax: (780) 955 - 3744

Program Details
  The Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) Program is dedicated to the future of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector and finding new approaches and methods for advancement. The Agriculture and Food Council of Alberta administers the ACAAF program for Alberta. This five-year, $25 million program will fund projects aimed at finding innovative solutions to emerging challenges, advance research to capture market opportunities, and share information to advance the sector.

Inquiries about the Alberta ACAAF program may be directed to Tom Switzer, ACAAF Executive Director at (780) 955-3714 ext. 226.


  • Expand the sector's capacity to respond to current and emerging issues
  • Position the sector to capture market opportunities
  • Actively engage the sector to contribute to agriculture and agri-food policy’s future directions
  • Complement the Agricultural Policy Framework to advance toward its goals
Inquiries about the Alberta ACAAF program may be directed to Tom Switzer, ACAAF Executive Director at (780) 955-3714 ext. 226.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on August 8, 2007.