Special Milk Class Permit Program

Program Information


Canadian Dairy Commission

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 866 366 0676 Fax: 613 792 2009
Web: http://www.milkingredients.ca/dcp/article_e.asp?catid=871&page;=154
Email: pharvey@agr.gc.ca
Further processors, distributors and animal feed manufacturers

Program Details
  The Special Milk Class Permit Program (SMCPP) allows dairy processors to access milk components such as milk protein, milk fat and other milk solids from provincial milk at discounted prices. Special Milk Class priced components translate into competitively priced dairy ingredients for food product manufacturers.

Dairy products such as cheese, butter and skim milk powder purchased/sold under the SMCPP provide eligible distributors and dairy ingredient users with the means to compete on a level playing field in the marketplace.

The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) administers the SMCPP on behalf of the Canadian dairy industry and issues Special Class Permits to eligible companies. The CDC monitors and controls the activities and performance requirements of dairy ingredient distributors and further processors participating in the Program.

To be eligible under this Program, further processors must prove that the finished products which they manufacture are not protected by Tariff Rate Quota controls. The finished product must be intended for sale to retailers, wholesalers and/or to restaurants. The use and/or resale of Special Milk Class priced dairy ingredients for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. A product formulation which has the potential to displace the sale of an existing dairy product in the marketplace shall not be deemed to qualify under the Program.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on January 31, 2007.