Agricultural Operations Practice Act Nuisance Complaints

Program Information


Office of the Farmers' Advocate
Alberta Agriculture and Food

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 427 2433 Fax: 780 427 3913

Program Details
  The Practice Review Committee may inquire into and investigate nuisance complaints directed to the Minster under Part 1 Nuisance of the Agricultural Operations Practices Act. The committee may use mediation to achieve resolution if both parties are agreeable. If the complaint is not resolved, the committee may conduct a hearing. The committee can recommend to the Minister what should constitute a generally accepted agricultural practice in respect of that agricultural operation.

The generally accepted agricultural practice designation can be used as defense against a nusiance complaint in an Alberta court.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on June 16, 2004.