Alberta Century Farm & Ranch Award

Program Information


Agriculture Information Division
Alberta Agriculture and Food

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 422 0492 Fax: 780 427 2861
Families who have continuously owned and actively operated the same land for 100 or more years; see below for details.
Downloadable Forms
Alberta Century Farm & Ranch Award Application 46K

Program Details
  The foundation of farming and ranching

Farming and ranching consists of hard work and sacrifice, combined with a healthy dose of energy and unrelenting faith. This spirit and vision, complemented by a new land of limitless natural resources is what brought our forefathers to Alberta. They settled the land, to build the family farm or ranch -- the place many of you continue to call home today.

Courage and determination was what our parents and grandparents had. And they had plenty of it. Marked by this same spirit of unshakeable resolve, it's not surprising that second and third generations, continue to build this rich heritage of agriculture.

It's a heritage to be proud of. Reflected by personal sacrifices, perseverance and a commitment to a family way of life, it's a legacy that you too may pass onto your children.

An element of recognition
Keeping the farm or ranch from generation to generation is an impressive achievement for any Alberta family. The Government of Alberta wishes to recognize these special families who built the foundation of prairie farming and ranching.

The Alberta Century Farm and Ranch Award salutes those families who have owned and operated the same land for 100 or more years.

It is important that these families be recognized. If you know of a century farm or ranch family in your area, pass this information along and have them complete the application form!

Am I eligible?
There are many century farms and ranches in Alberta. Criteria has been set to identify these families. It includes the following:

  • your land must be continuously owned and actively farmed or ranched by your family* for 100 or more years**
  • you can provide evidence clearly demonstrating the kinship ties between you and the founder of the farm, ranch or homestead
  • you can provide the legal land location
  • you can provide the date of homestead establishment***
  • you can provide the current ownership land title
  • the current size of the original homestead or land base must be at least 160 acres of land
Please note
*If you need clarification of the definition of 'family', please call toll-free 310-0000 then (780) 427-5312 or (780) 422-0492.

** The 100 years starts from the time the land was occupied for farming or ranching. In many cases, this was before the homestead title was issued. Deeded land that has been rented to persons outside of the family during the 100 years is ineligible for an award. Rental property is also ineligible.

*** You can search the homestead document(s) at the Provincial Archives of Alberta yourself, or you can phone the Archives to do the search for you, for a charge. The address of the Archives is: Provincial Archives of Alberta, Reference Desk, 8555 Roper Road, Edmonton ,AB, T6E 5W1 Phone toll-free: 310-0000 then dial (780) 427-1750, Fax: (780) 427-4646. Or for CPR land search, please call toll-free by dialing 310-0000 and then (780) 422-0492.

The selection process
If you meet the requirements, please fill out an application form. Eligible applicants will be contacted by their MLA and presented with a Century Farm & Ranch plaque.

The Century Award
Your family will receive a bronze plaque (approx. 15" x 11.625"), commemorating this 100-year milestone. This award, which can be placed at the gate or hung on a building, symbolizes your family's perseverance and their ability to keep farming or ranching in the face of change.

Above all else, it represents the hard work and desire to carry on what was 100 years ago a dream, then a reality, and now a family tradition.

This award reflects the Alberta Government's confidence in the modern farm and ranch family's ability to continue overcoming the constant challenges to remain on the land. The Government of Alberta salutes the enduring contribution farm and ranch families make to Alberta's continued economic success.

More Information . . .
Please contact your local MLA office,


Alberta Agriculture and Food
Agriculture Information Division
by phoning toll-free 310-0000 and then 780-422-0492.
or by writing to 100A 7000 113 St, Edmonton, AB T6H 5T6.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on November 22, 2007.