Advance Payments Program (APP) (after harvest)

Program Information


Canadian Wheat Board

For Further Information Contact:


Program Details
  The Advance Payments Program (APP) (after harvest) is a federal government program which authorizes cash

advances for farmers who have wheat, durum and barley stored on farm. The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB)
administers the program for wheat, durum and barley grown in Western Canada.

In November 2006 changes were made to the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (AMPA) legislation which affect
the 2007-08 APP.

2007-08 Pre-Delivery Top Up
Farmers can top-up their cash advance on wheat and durum with an additional amount per tonne from the CWB. It
is called a Pre-Delivery Top Up because farmers can get these extra dollars before their wheat and durum is
delivered. Farmers must have an approved cash advance based on their harvested grain to cover the tonnage they
are applying for.

Total Eligible Amount
Applicants can receive a maximum amount of $400,000 on all agricultural products (not just wheat, durum and
barley) regardless of the number of farming operations in which the applicant has a financial interest. The first
$100,000 is interest-free until the advance is repaid or until September 30, 2008, providing the advance is not
placed in default. The maximum amount that can be outstanding during the overlap in production periods (from
September 1 to September 30) is $400,000 which includes the principal balance of any outstanding 2006-07 crop
year cash advances for all eligible crops.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on November 9, 2007.