Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture - Processing Based Program

Program Information


Alberta Agriculture and Food

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 980 4868 Fax: 780 986 5138
Registered Alberta companies or recognized government or academic research agencies in Alberta (see below for details).

Program Details
  As part of the AESA program, the Processing Based Program assists agri-food processors to develop and adopt more environmentally friendly processing practices and policies with the following objectives:
  • Reduce environmental impacts of agri-food processing on the environment
  • Build industry environmental stewardship and consumer confidence through awareness, extension and education programs
The program focuses the following main areas:
  • Resource Conservation:water conservation, energy conservation, ingredient recovery
  • Packaging and Waste Reduction: packaging material reduction, waste treatment and reduction, value added opportunities and initiatives for waste stream, air pollution reduction
  • Environmental Management: environmental management system development and implementation, environmental standard certification, environmental regulation compliance

Assistance available
The program may provide grants on cost-shared basis for eligible projects to a maximum of $20,000 per project with following conditions.
  • Type I Projects: Projects undertaken by individual private sector applicants, for their sole benefit, may receive up to 50% of eligible cost
  • Type II Projects: Research projects undertaken by private or public sector applicants, where generic in nature and intended for industry-wide purpose, may receive up to 100% of eligible cost
    While cost-shared projects will be given preference, the opportunity does exist for 100% funding of eligible project costs.

All projects considered for funding under this program must show some form of industry contribution toward the total project costs. The minimum industry contribution acceptable for purpose of the funding is 20%. This amount can be both eligible cost and ineligible cost.
    In addition, the total of all federal, provincial, municipal assistance towards the eligible costs of any project, including assistance under this program, will not exceed:
    • 50% on Type I projects, and
    • 100% on Type II project.

    Who can apply?
    Companies or organizations incorporated in Canada and registered to carry on business in Alberta, or a recognized government or academic research establishment in Alberta.
      What type of projects are eligible?
      Assistance may be available for projects which:
      • Identify industry status and needs on environmental sustainability issues
      • Raises industry awareness and understanding of environmental sustainability issues
      • Add to industry potential for long-team competitive viability
      • Are consistent with the objectives of the program
        Projects commenced before receiving a written offer are ineligible for assistance consideration.
        What costs are eligible?
        • Studies to determine current status and impact of wastes and emissions from agri-food processing
        • Monitoring upstream and downstream environmental quality (energy, water, air)
        • Education and training initiatives which address environmental legislation, waste management, and packaging
        • Industry development projects, including feasibility studies, environmental impact assessment, engineering consulting, waste management assessment services, packaging development advice, and technology transfer research
        • Equipment rental cost for evaluation and training purposes

        What costs are ineligible?
        • Land and buildings
        • Equipment
        • Patents, franchises, copyrights and goodwill
        • Licensed motor vehicles
        • Unreasonable non-arm's length transactions
        • Working capital
        How to apply
        Mail or deliver your application with an accompanied cover letter to:

        Alberta Agriculture and Food
        6309 45 Street
        Leduc, AB T9E 7C5
        Attention: Jimmy Yao, AESA Processing Based Program coordinator

        The application must contain the following information for the AESA Processing Based Program Committee to evaluate the proposed project.

        Company / Organization Background
        • Status of the company / organization (incorporated, Limited, government agency, etc.)
        • Main products / activities
        • Number of employees
        • Annual sales
        Current Impact to the Environment
        • Waste volume, strength, disposal method, associated cost and concerns if apply
        • Water / energy / ingredient consumption, associated cost and concerns if apply
        Project Information
        • Project location
        • Nature and timing of the project, that is specifically what you intended to do, who will undertake the work, when the work will be done etc.
        • A detailed budget of the work to be undertaken
        • Resumes of personnel who will be involved directly in the operation of the project or the management thereof. If consultants are to be used, please provide background information to demonstrate their suitability to undertake the project
        • Applicant’s relevant recent financial information and the source of the applicant’s funds which will be committed to the project
        • What assistance is requested from AESA Processing Based Program
          In addition to the detailed information outlined above, a covering letter giving a brief description of the project, the project need and benefits must be provided to the AESA Processing Based Program Committee. This letter has to certify that the information contained in the application is correct and complete at the date of the submission, and must be signed by an authorized official of the applicant organization.
          Approval process
          The application will be reviewed upon receipt by the AESA Processing Based Program coordinator. The coordinator will then present the application to the AESA Processing Based Program Committee who will make a recommendation to the Minister of Agriculture, Food & Rural Development.

          Once the Minister has approved the project, a Contribution Agreement must be accepted and signed by the applicant organization before any funding is provided.

          Other conditions
          • The project complies with environmental legislations or regulations
          • Applicant has sufficient financing to complete the project if not fully government funded
          • The project will start within six months after approval, or some other reasonable period
          Contact information
          For more information, please contact Jimmy Yao, AESA Processing Based Program Coordinator, Alberta Agriculture and Food (Phone: 780-986-4793; Fax: 780-986-5138).
            For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

          Last Reviewed/Revised on February 21, 2007.