Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture - Farm Based Grants Program

Program Information


Conservation and Development Branch
Alberta Agriculture and Food

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 780 427 3819 Fax: 780 422 0474
Application Deadline
Nov 30, 2007
Agricultural service boards, agricultural organizations, native groups, environmental agencies
Downloadable Forms

Program Details
  This component of the AESA Program provides grants to municipalities, producer groups, aboriginal agencies and environmental groups to facilitate the adoption of environmentally responsible agricultural practices in Alberta.

It addresses the following priority management issues: nutrient management; sustainable grazing and riparian management; and integrated crop management, including responsible pesticide use.

Who can apply?
Agricultural service boards, native groups, environmental organizations and agricultural organizations are eligible to apply for funding. A registered society number is required (except for ASBs). Please go to applicant registration.

Eligibility criteria
1.Each applicant must submit a program plan. The program will address at least one of the following priorities identified by the AESA Council:
  • Nutrient management
  • Grazing and riparian management
  • Integrated crop management systems and rotations including responsible pest management and pesticide use.
2.Programs must promote beneficial management practices and solutions, which reduce agriculture's impact on the natural resources (water, air, soil and biodiversity).


Activities must link clearly to transferring farm or ranch management systems information to landowners to facilitate practice change.


Programs will have significant benefits to the industry, but will not offset or replace programs that are delivered through industry, agribusiness or other government agencies.


Programs will be extension, technology transfer, skill development and/or training programs that target farmers and ranchers by increasing awareness, understanding and knowledge to support adoption of sustainable practices.


The programs must demonstrate a collaborative, coordinated team effort with other groups to reduce duplication. Other players or partners will be identified, involved and confirmed. This includes partners such as other municipalities, producer groups, AAFRD extension specialists, other government organizations and conservation groups. Partnerships are worth 10 points


Priority of AESA Funding will be manpower to develop and deliver local extension programs. AESA will fund up to 30% for operating expenses and a minimum of 70% manpower of total AESA funding.

    Budget criteria summary
    • Programs are worth 100 points. Program plans that are less than 65 points will not receive AESA funding. Programs with points between 65 and 99 points may receive reduced funding.
    • Extra points are awarded for full time manpower (5 points).
    • Applicant/partner contribution must be at least 25% of the total program. Program budgets will be adjusted to reflect this. For 25% of applicant contribution in kind manpower contributions are not eligible.
    • Applications requesting less than $20,000 per year from AESA will not be accepted.
    Eligible Activities

    Those that support the extension of environmentally sustainable agriculture practices and systems such as:
    • Extension program planning, coordination, and evaluation.
    • Demonstration, tours, meetings, workshops, and one-on-one.
    • Communication and educational activities and material development.
    • Staff training to support program delivery.
    • Support Environmental Farm Plan Program.
    • Promotional support of the Canada-Alberta Farm Stewardship Program.
    • Up to 10% manpower used for applied research activities (unless otherwise approved by the AESA Program Manager)
    Eligible Expenses
    • Manpower (at least 70% of AESA Funding). Manpower includes a dedicated full-time or part-time position, unless otherwise approved by the AESA Program Manager. Manpower costs may include benefits.
    • Materials and supplies to support extension (up to 30% of AESA Funding). May include: mileage (at most current provincial government rate, 43 cents/km as of July 2006), training (registration fees, accommodations, meals, and travel), workshops (speaker fees, room rental, advertising, publications and other print materials), field days and tours (transportation, speaker fees, advertising, print materials, and signage), newsletters (postage, writers fees, printing), short-term equipment lease (e.g. one/two day audio/visual rental), tradeshows (registration, display boards, etc.).
    • Riparian Health Assessments/Inventories (Cows and Fish).
    • Consultant Fees (nutrient management plans as part of an extension program, writing, surveys, etc.).
    • Web-sites (to be used for their extension program).
    • Photo/video development to support extension activities.
    Ineligible Expenses
    • Honorariums (i.e. compensation for or payment to board members).
    • Hosting (food, beverages etc.).
    • Administration and overhead costs (municipal administrator, temporary or support staff, computers, phones, cell phones, internet etc.).
    • Input costs (fertilizer, seed, herbicide etc.).
    • Maintenance (i.e. general equipment upkeep including vehicles).
    • Capital purchases and infrastructure (i.e. equipment, buildings, fencing, computer software/subscription).
    • Producer incentives (any money paid to producers for the adoption of BMPs).
    • Coverage for obtaining class 4 drivers license.
    • Coverage of GIS program/software/subscription (capital cost).
    • Promotional materials (door prizes, clothing, pens, hats, etc.).
    • Professional Fees (e.g. AIA, P. Eng). It is the option of the employer whether or not they cover professional fees as part of their contribution.
    • (Any costs, including those listed above, associated with eligible programs could be applicant and/or partner contribution).
    For more information contact:
    Dale Chrapko
    Provincial Program Coordinator
    Alberta Agriculture and Food
    Conservation and Development Branch
    #206, 7000 - 113 Street
    Edmonton, Alberta, T6H 5T6
    Tel 780/644-1969 Fax 780/422-0474
    Cell 780/619-9670

    Application process
    1.Applicants prepare and submit a three-year environmentally sustainable agriculture program description detailing the following information:
    • Identify the priority conservation management issues for your organization based on a needs assessment
    • State the goals and objectives you would like to achieve with the proposed program
    • Outline activities and work plan to achieve your objectives.
    • Explain how you will know you have accomplished your goals in an evaluation plan. Indicate measurable results and how you will be accountable.
    2. The budget plan will be filled and submitted online and also attached to the program description. Only approved applicants will have access to budget plan.


    Indicate who your partners and team members are for the ESA program. Identify their roles and how they will assist in meeting the goals and objectives. Attach this to application.

    Approval process
    • Applications are submitted (mailed or emailed) to your regional conservation coordinator by November 30 (application deadline). Applications submitted after this deadline will not be accepted.
    • Regional AESA Committees review the regional applications and using the above decision-making criteria recommendations are made to AESA Council for approval.
    • Once the Minister of Alberta Agriculture and Food has made the final approval on the AESA Budget, approval letters are sent to applicants by April 30.
    • Applicants must submit an expenditure statement and report for the previous year before a "partnership agreement letter" is sent. Applicants must sign and return the letter if agreeing to the terms and conditions for funding.
      For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

    Last Reviewed/Revised on February 21, 2007.