Ag Research Fund

Program Information



For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 403 274 2774 Fax: 403 274 0101

Program Details
  AVAC is working in cooperation with the government and other industry partners to establish a critical mass of agrivalueTM and renewable resource research excellence in the province of Alberta. The aim is in line with the overall provincial goal of creating an agrivalueTM industry worth $20 billion annually by the year 2010. As such, investments made with the Ag Research Fund will be in line with Albertaˇ¦s Agriculture Research and Innovation Strategic Framework.

Theme areas: Investments encourage the growth and development of the value added agricultural industry through R&D in a number of areas including:

  • Bio-waste material which add value to the environment and nutrient management industries
  • Food ingredient and fermentation products
  • Bio-waste material which create value from or find viable alternatives to specified risk materials derived from livestock processing operations in Alberta
Special consideration will be given to applications that are looking to establish ongoing research programs versus those that are proposing one-time research projects.
  • You are a scientist interested in conducting research with the potential for agrivalueTM business applications in the short, mid or long-term.
  • You are an entrepreneur interested in research with the potential for agrivalueTM business applications.
  • You are a business owner interested in research with the potential for business growth opportunities related to an agrivalueTM product or service you are currently offering, or a new product or service offering you are considering.
  • Your research relates to one of the theme areas.
  • A significant proportion of the overall project budget coming from public and/or private sources.
  • Additional industry dollars are attached to the project/program.
  • You meet relatively high scientific and business relevance standards.
  • Programs will additionally be subject to an international peer review and assessment.

For more information and application forms, visit the AVAC website.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on January 20, 2008.