Program Information



For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 403 274 2774 Fax: 403 274 0101
Web: http://www.avacltd.com/
Email: avacinfo@avacltd.com

Program Details
  IVAC is a new investment initiative from AVAC which provides investment and other assistance to Alberta businesses in the ICT, life sciences and other industrial technology sectors to help them get to the best possible start in their fields. The fund addresses a shortage of available funding from third-party investors for new and existing companies and also provides mentoring, marketing and operational guidance and other support to help Alberta businesses become competitive in both local and global markets.

The IVAC Fund has two parts, the Capacity Builder Program and the Early Stage Venture Fund.
The Capacity Builder Program is directed at pre-commercial seed and pre-seed stage technology companies who need assistance in getting to the investor-ready stage in order to attract third party risk capital. Key operating principles for the program include:

  • Leverage partnerships with industry and innovation partner organizations in the technology sector. Where appropriate, investee companies are co-sponsored with one or more industry and innovation partner organizations.
  • Investment in early stage ventures may be used for a range of eligible purposes, including mentor capital, product development, market assessments, sample or prototype production and business plan development.

The Early Stage Venture Fund invests, as a limited partner, in qualified early stage venture capital companies.

For more information and application forms, visit AVAC's website.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on January 20, 2008.