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Chapter 11 - Petitions

Presentation and Form

65(1)  A petition to the Assembly may be presented by a member at any time during a sitting day by filing the same with the Clerk at the Table.

(2)      A member desiring to present a petition from his or her place in the Assembly shall do so during the Daily Routine under the heading "Petitions."

(3)      Every member offering a petition to the Assembly shall confine himself or herself to the statement of the parties from whom it comes, the number of signatures attached to it and the material allegations it contains. No member shall speak for more than five minutes in so doing, unless by permission of the Assembly upon question put.

(4)      On presentation of a petition, no debate on it shall be allowed.

(5)      A member presenting a petition shall be answerable for any impertinent or improper matter that it contains.

(6)      Every member presenting a petition shall endorse the petition by signing the sheet containing the body of the petition or by attaching a signed statement to the petition stating: "This petition is endorsed as containing proper matter for consideration by the Yukon Legislative Assembly."

(7)      Petitions may be either written or printed, provided always that when there are three or more petitioners the signature of at least three petitioners shall be subscribed on the sheet containing the body of the petition.

(8)      Petitions do not have to be dated.

Report and Debate

66(1)  On the sitting day following the presentation of a petition, the Clerk shall present a report upon the petition and such report shall be printed in the Votes and Proceedings of that sitting day and every petition so reported upon, not containing matter in breach of the privileges of the Assembly and which, according to the Standing Orders or practice of the Assembly, can be received, shall then be deemed to be read and received.

(2)      No debate shall be permitted on the report, but the petition referred to therein may be read by the Clerk, if requested by a member.

(3)      A petition that complains of some present personal grievance requiring an immediate remedy may be immediately debated.

(4)       A petition may request an expenditure, grant or charge on the public revenue.

(5)      A petition may raise a matter that has been delegated to another body by the Yukon Legislative Assembly.

Response by Executive Council

67    The Executive Council shall provide a response to a petition which has been received within eight sitting days of its presentation. The length of the ministerial response to the petition shall be no longer than five minutes.


Last Updated: 9/19/2006