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Chapter 13 - Officers of the Assembly - Hansard

Duties of the Clerk of Assembly

70(1)  The Clerk shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all the papers and records of the Assembly, subject to such orders as may be received from the Speaker or the Assembly.

(2)      The Clerk shall distribute to each member the Order Paper for that sitting day and the Votes and Proceedings for previous sitting days.

(3)      The Clerk shall employ such staff as are necessary to tend to the business of the Assembly.

(4)      The hours of attendance of the officers and staff of the Assembly shall be fixed from time to time by the Clerk.

Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms

71(1)  The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the Mace and of the furniture and fittings of the Assembly.

(2)      The Sergeant-at-Arms shall control admission to and preserve order in the galleries and other areas of the Assembly.


72(1)  There shall be a printed record of the deliberations and proceedings of the Assembly and Committee of the Whole, to be known as "Hansard," which shall be compiled, edited, printed and distributed under the authority of the Speaker in accordance with this Standing Order.

(2)      The Hansard shall be produced for each sitting day and every member shall receive two copies.

(3)      The Clerk shall provide for the editing of the transcript in accordance with the following:

(a) revisions shall be limited to the correction of grammar, spelling and punctuation, ensuring that the correct parliamentary forms are observed, and minimizing superfluous repetition and redundancies;
(b) no material alterations, nor any amendments which would in any way tend to change the sense of what has been spoken, shall be made;
(c) the transcript shall remain an accurate and, as far as possible, an exact report of what was said;
(d) a member who wishes to suggest a correction shall submit it to the Hansard editor by noon of the next sitting day;
(e) unless a member can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Hansard editor or, upon appeal, the Speaker, that he or she has been misreported, no change shall be made which alters the sense of anything a member has been recorded as saying;
(f) no member has a right to make any insertion as an afterthought nor to strike out a passage which he or she regrets having uttered.


Last Updated: 9/19/2006