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Chapter 6 - Motions - Amendments - The Previous Question


29(1) A motion is used to propose that the Assembly

(a) do something;
(b) order something to be done; or
(c) express an opinion on a matter.

(2)      A motion, once adopted, becomes an order or a resolution of the Assembly: an order when the Assembly requires its Committees, its members, or any other person to do something; a resolution when the Assembly declares its opinion or affirms a fact or a principle.

(3)      All motions other than those of a purely formal nature shall be in writing before being put from the Chair or debated.

(4)      Whenever the Speaker is of the opinion that a motion offered to the Assembly is contrary to the rules and privileges of the Assembly, the Speaker shall inform the Assembly immediately, quoting the applicable Standing Order or authority, and not put the question thereon.

(5)      Before a motion is debated, it shall be read from the Chair.

Other Motions Receivable During Debate

30      When a motion is under debate no motion may be received except

(a) to amend it,
(b) to refer it to a committee,
(c) to postpone it to a certain day,
(d) for the previous question,
(e) for proceeding to the Orders of the Day,
(f) for proceeding to another order or item of business,
(g) to adjourn the debate, or
(h) for the adjournment of the Assembly.

Motion for Referral to Committee

31      A motion to refer a bill or motion to a Committee shall preclude all amendments to the main question.

Adjourning and Resuming Debate on a Motion

32      A member who, on a previous sitting day, has moved "That debate be now adjourned" has entered the debate and shall be entitled to be heard first when that debate is resumed.

Dropping a Motion

33(1)  A motion that has been twice called and not proceeded with shall be dropped but it may be restored to the Order Paper after due notice.

(2)      If a motion thus restored is called once and not proceeded with, it shall be dropped from the Order Paper.

(3)      This Standing Order does not apply to Motions for the Production of Papers.

Withdrawing a Motion

34       A member who has a motion on the Order Paper may withdraw the same only with the unanimous consent of the Assembly.

Amending a Motion

35       When taking part in a debate on an amendment to a motion:

(a) the member moving an amendment has the right to speak both to the main question and the amendment in one speech;
(b) a member, other than the mover, shall confine debate to the subject of the amendment.

Previous Question

36(1)  The previous question, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendment of the main question and shall be in the following words: "That the question be now put."

(2)      If the previous question is resolved in the affirmative, the original question shall be put forthwith without any debate or amendment.

(3)      If the previous question is resolved in the negative, the debate on the original question shall proceed as usual.


Last Updated: 9/19/2006