Maps for All Audiences

2008 Bertha Armyworm Forecast

Bertha armyworm forecast based on August 2007 survey.

2008 Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Forecast

2008 cabbage seedpod weevil forecast based on August 2007 survey.

2008 Wheat Stem Sawfly Forecast

Wheat stem sawfly forecast based on 2007 survey.

2008 Pea Leaf Weevil Forecast

Pea leaf weevil forecast based on 2007 survey.

2008 Wheat Midge Forecast

The Alberta wheat midge forecast for 2008 shows a drastic increase in the range and intensity of wheat midge in Alberta. Click here for the detailed report.

Dine Alberta Restaurants

Dine Alberta is a wonderful opportunity to bring Alberta's outstanding bounty to the attention of Albertans and visitors to the province.

Farmers' Markets

Over 100 Alberta Approved Farmers' Markets are serving up some of the most nutritious, fresh, Alberta made products available.

Hay/Forage Listings

A listing of forage and straw supplies for sale or wanted in Alberta and locations across the Prairies. Also includes listing of pasture land for sale or lease.

IMCIN (Irrigation Management Climate Information Network)

Whether you are an irrigation water user, water manager or affiliated with irrigated crop production, the IMCIN Map will keep you up to date with current data, heat units and provide crop water use information throughout the major irrigated areas of southern Alberta.

Alberta Soil Information Viewer

Soil Information Viewer

AgroClimatic Information Service (ACIS)

ACIS is an interactive tool that helps you create maps that describe Alberta's weather and climate.