'Alberta Conservation Connection' Home

  This newsletter highlights Alberta activities to conserve natural resources in agricultural production and processing. Farmers, ranchers, processors, agricultural organizations, government agencies, environmental agencies and others are working together to maintain and enhance the quality of the water, soil and air around us.

Alberta Conservation Connection is published three times a year as part of the Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Program.


Recent Articles from 'Alberta Conservation Connection'

  From the Spring 2006 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Meeting AESA Priorities in Beaver and Lamont Counties
West Central Conservation Group: Partnership in Action
County of Grande Prairie and West County Watershed Group Focus on Beneficial Management Practices
Central Peace Conservation Society Supporting Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Cardston County Gains Momentum After First Year
County of Warner: Grazing Management Strategies for Ranchers
Chinook Applied Research Association -- Programs, Demonstrations and Applied Research Benefits Area Producers
Counties of Flagstaff and Paintearth: Partnering for More Effective Programs
Landowners help protect 'ribbon of green' on their property
AESA Partner Profiles
Alberta's Great Tree Hunt
Nest Success a Bonus of Winter Cereals

From the Fall 2005 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Low Cost Manure Injection Demonstrations in the Peace
MD of Wainwright Works Successfully With Local Producers One-On-One
LARA Helps Local Producers Implement Beneficial Management Practices
Vulcan County's AESA Program Expanding
Wheatland County's Range Program
Mountain View County Sees Successful On-The-Ground BMP Adoption
Encouraging Watershed Groups To Take Ownership - A Successful Approach
Big Meadows Soil Conservation Association: Model of Producer Group Success
AESA Partner Profiles

From the Spring-Summer 2005 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Landuse and Urban Expansion: Addressing the Issues
New AESA Agri-Food Processing Scholarship Available to Post-Secondary Students in Alberta
Manure Composting Manual Available for Producers
AESA Rural Extension Staff Training: Thinking Outside the Box
Manure Management Planning: The Essentials
Beneficial Management Practices: Environmental Manual for Crop Producers in Alberta Now Available
Enter today to win in the 3rd Annual Alberta Environmental Stewardship Calendar Photo Contest!
Alberta Hosts Water Quality Awareness Day
Nesting Boxes Keep Waterfowl Coming Home

From the Sept 16, 2003 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
AESA Processing Based Program - Encouraging Environmentally Friendly Agri-Food Processing Practices
New 'Manure and Pasture Management for Horse Owners' Manual Released
If Manure Had Gold... Over 320 Conference Participants Learn The Possibilities
New Factsheet on Riparian Area Management for Cropping Systems Released
Bonnie Lake Sustainability Association Promotes Community Action in Watershed and Lakeshore Management
Alberta Soil Quality Card Now Available
Women's Grazing School - First in Alberta
Producer Uses an Integrated Approach to Gopher Management

From the Apr 22, 2003 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Bow River Project Releases New "Protecting Riparian Areas" Guide
AESA Science Plan Underway
North West Alliance Conservation Initiative -- Partnership for Conservation
Audits Help Farmers and Ranchers Reduce Energy Costs
National Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program For Canadian Agriculture Launched
NAWMP Sponsors Mapping and Inventory of Native Areas in the Aspen Parkland Area
Who's Rewarding Stewardship?- Recent AESA Conference Addresses This Question
EPCOR Partners With Community Watershed Group
West County Watershed Group

Fall 2002
Rainy Creek Soil Conservation Club Hosts Soil Biology Workshop
Provincial Phosphorus Levels in Soils and Streams Study Underway
New Website Launched for Information Sharing Between Alberta Watershed Groups
Producer Champions Community Involvement in Watershed Management
Operation CleanFarm Begins in the Peace River Region
Study Investigates Effects of Cattle Grazing on Waterfowl and Other Wetland Dependent Birds in Central Alberta
New Manuals Create Awareness About Beneficial Environmental Practices

From the July 30, 2002 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Central Peace Conservation Society
New Factsheet on Micronutrients Now Available
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Workbook Released For Farmers and Ranchers
Direct Seeded Acres in Alberta Continues to Increase
Cows and Fish and AESA Provide Training for Municipal and Producer Group Conservation Staff
Composting Program Solves Industry Problem and Protects the Environment
AESA Council Workshop: Alternative Energy in Agriculture Keeping Our Industry Sustainable

From the Apr 10, 2002 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Partners in Habitat Development
Site Specific Management (SSM) and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture
Waters Edge Resource Group (WERG) - A Model For Partnership Success
Voluntary, Environmental Farm Plans Helps Producers Manage Risks
AESA Stream Survey Links Land Cover and Water Quality
AESA Program Moves to Three Year Plans
"The Land Supports Us All" Conference Leads The Way to Collaborative and Cooperative Land Use Planning
Rural and Urban Communities are Working for Cleaner Water in the Battle River
Kneehill Watershed Advisory Council (KWAC) Takes Action on Local Watersheds

From the Apr 30, 2001 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Practical Options from Manure Management Research
More Conservation Resources for Less
Controlling Runoff for Cattle Wintering Sites
Alberta Moisture Conditions: Assessment and Forecast
Winter Cereals: Growing Potential in East-Central Alberta
Greenhouse Gas Information Bulletin Series Keeps on Growing
Unique Workshop Gives a Different Perspective on Farm Resource Management

From the Oct 25, 2000 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection
Issues in Precision Farming: Yield Patterns Within and Between Fields

  Last Reviewed/Revised on April 3, 2007.