'Alberta Agri-preneur' Home

  Dear Alberta Agri-Preneur Reader:

Thank you for your continued readership of the Alberta Agri-Preneur (AAP) newsletter.  We regret to inform you that we are no longer able to publish this valued resource for the diversified agriculture industry. For 12 years we enjoyed reporting on and interpreting new markets, new trends and new directions for our industry. 

There are several industry publications that you may find fill the information gap left by the loss of the AAP.  Some options include:

  • Explore Direct e-news. This electronic newsletter is published 11 times a year by the Farm Direct Marketing Initative of Alberta Agriculture. www.exploredirect.ca.
  • Ag tourism newsletter www.agtourism.ca. Two electronic newsletters are available.  One is general in nature; the other targets ag tourism clusters.  Both are published by the Ag Tourism Initiative of Alberta Agriculture.
  • Small Farm Canada www.smallfarmcanada.ca.  Email info@smallfarmcanada.ca or call toll free 1 866-260- 7985.
  • Renewal Now! Contact Wendy McCormick toll free in Alberta at 310-0000 403 340-5306 or email wendy.mccormick@gov.ab.ca
The AAP editorial team thanks you for your readership, your spotlights and your successes. We continue to be interested in celebrating your achievements, analyzing new trends and discussing challenges your venture is facing.  . . . Keep in touch.

We wish you continued prosperity in your diversified ag ventures. 


Publisher:  Kerry Engel, Edmonton (780) 644-2967  
Editor:  Karen Goad, Grande Prairie 
Design & Layout:  Darleen Lynes, Westlock
Alberta Agriculture and Food

Sharon Stollery, Stony Plain
Daylin Breen, Leduc
Janice McGregor, Stony Plain
Morley Kjargaard, Olds
Doug Macaulay, Peace River
Martine Bolinger, Leduc
Kathy Bosse, Stettler

Recent Articles from 'Alberta Agri-preneur'

  Winter 2007 - Theme: Opportunities With Pets in Agriculture
Who Let The Dogs (and Cats) Out?
Safe Food: Not in the Kitchen
People and their Pooches... Is there a fit with ag tourism?
News from Interzoo: Every dog has it's day!
Farm Animals: Who Cares?
Petfood Trends: News From Champion Petfoods - Small and Simple, a Great Combination
Pet Trends: News from Nip & Bones - Doggy Daycare
Renewal - Making The Most of Your Farm
Don't Box Me In: Shopping Styles Change

AB Agri-preneur Newsletter - Issue 22 - Fall, 2006
Learning Is Not About Being Smart, It's About Strategy
Making Connections
Dial Before You Dive... into Business, Call 310-FARM
Writing Scholarship Applications 101
Take Time to GROW this Year
Tricks of the Tradeshow
Extreme Learning - Be Your Own Tour Guide and Grow Your Business
Unique & Different Learning Opportunities
Good to Great: Make the Leap to Food Safety

Issue 21 - Summer 2006 - Surviving Growth
Success Breeds Success
Contagious Success
To Market... To Market... To Sell a Fine Pig
Just Another Day At The Beach
Women Versus Men
Lost Control?
Winners & Losers
Are You Too Busy to be Productive?
All In A Day's Work

Issue #20, Spring 2006 - Building Buzz - Communication
Building Buzz -- Putting the Puzzle Together
Three Farm Renewal-Makeover Scholarships Awarded
Wordmouthing - Marketing is one giant conversation
5 Steps To Creating A Media Release
Expert - Outstanding In Your Field
On Becoming An Expert
Selling Food Safely
Grow West Alberta 2007
Upcoming Events

  Last Reviewed/Revised on September 24, 2007.