'Green Matters' Home

  Green Matters is the newsletter of the Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture (AESA) Council. AESA Council consists of 26 representatives from Alberta’s agriculture and food processing industry, environmental organizations and government. Its mandate is to identify and evaluate environmental issues facing Alberta’s agriculture and food processing industry; encourage the industry to proactively address these issues; advise the Alberta Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development on these issues; and direct the AESA Program.

The purpose of Green Matters is to provide a forum for discussion of environmental issues in Alberta’s agriculture and food processing industry.

Green Matters is published four times a year. To subscribe to Green Matters, call 780-422-4385.

If you have any questions or comments about Green Matters, contact Roger Bryan , Program Marketing and Communications Specialist, Conservation and Development Branch.

The Index for Green Matters Newsletter Fall 1999 to Fall 2005 is also available on-line: Index - 107 KB PDF


Recent Articles from 'Green Matters'

  Spring 2007
Grass, Grazing and Grass Roots
Sustainable Grazing Management for Multiple Benefits
Range Management Extension: Building Expertise
Grazing School 'Marathon' in the Milk River Basin
Graziers Helping Graziers
Council Profiles
Developing Producer-Friendly Practices to Conserve Rare Species

Winter 2007
Keeping Soil Conservation on our Radar Screen
Seeking out the Links Between Soil Organisms & Agriculture
Maintaining the Momentum on Salinity Control
Recycling Food Processing Wastes: Overcoming the Barriers
Council Profiles
User-friendly Soil Landscape Information

Fall 2006
Fuelling The Future
Growing the Biogas Industry: Growing Methane from Alberta's Ag. & Food Sector
Biodiesel & Ethanol Production in Alberta
Testing On-Farm Bioenergy Technologies
Council Profiles
Home-Grown Biodiesel

Summer 2006
Protecting Biodiversity: Complex and Critical
Tracking Alberta's Biodiversity
Emerald Awards: AESA Program Wins Prestigious Award!
Sowing the Seeds for an Alberta Biodiversity Strategy
Making Alberta More Leopard Frog-Friendly
Council Profiles
A Multi-Pronged Approach to Pintail Recovery

Spring 2006
Waste Not, Want Not
More From Manure
Adding Value to Processing Wastes
Recycling: Growing Choices for Albertans
Council Profiles
Stewardship & Consumers: An Award-Winning Recycling Program

Winter 2006
Carbon Credits & Agriculture
Gearing up for Greenhouse Gas Offset Trading
Water-efficient drinkers for pigs: a win-win-win-win-win situation
Council Profiles: Alberta Irrigation Projects Association
Accelerating the transition to lower energy costs

Fall 2005
Preserving our Natural Capital
Quality of Life in a Changing Landscape
Integrating Local and Regional Needs
From Managing Water to Managing Watersheds
Council Profiles
A Framework for Making Tough Decisions

Summer 2005
Climate Change: Acting Locally
Adapting to Climate Risks & Opportunities
Irrigation & Climate
Woodlots in Changing Landscapes
Council Profiles
'A World of Change' on the Prairies

Spring 2005
Fundamental & Fragile: Protecting Our Soils
Erosion Control in Irrigated Crops: New Possibilities
On the Verge of Discoveries
Learning about the Latest on Soil Quality
Council Profiles
Harvesting Soils Data

Winter 2005
Our Water Challenge
Alberta Water Council: Guiding the Water Strategy
Regional Partnerships for Wise Water Management
Local Partnerships for Local Action
Council Profiles
Assessing BMPs for Effectiveness & Economics

Fall 2004
A Catalyst for Stewardship
Sharing Goals: Information and More
Partnering for Change
From Plans to Actions
Council Profiles
One-Window Approach for R&D;

Summer 2004
Local Options for a Global Issue
Q&A;: Greenhouse Gas Policy
Good for the Producer, Good for the Environment
Farm Emissions: Better Estimates for Better Management
Council Profiles
Wetlands: Another Part of the GHG Picture

Spring 2004
Technology and Change
Meeting the Nutrient Management Challenge
Improving Manure Application
Feed Efficiencies: Saving Money, Helping the Environment
Council Profiles
Waste Not, Want Not

Winter 2004
Tracking our Progress
AESA's Monitoring Program: Unique, Relevant
Tracking Wolves in Southwest Alberta: Better for Ranchers, Better for Wolves
Grazing Patterns and Landscape Health
Council Profiles
Fish Tales

Fall 2003
Biodiversity: The Challenge of Conservation
The Web of Life in a Tiny World
Treasure Trove of Diversity
Alien Invaders in Riparian Areas
Council Profiles
The Science of Sustainability: A Fuller Perspective

Summer 2003
Common Sense: Compliance and Excellence
Fine-tuning AOPA
Raising Regulatory Awareness - And Much More
Objective Answers on Environmental Law for Free!
Council Profiles
The Science of Sustainability: A Fuller Perspective

Spring 2003
Making the Most of the Energy Challenge
Energy In Agriculture Challenges & Opportunities
Harvesting Manure For Energy, Nutrients & More
Opting for Saving Energy in Processing
Council Profiles
The Science of Sustainability: A Fuller Perspective

Winter 2003
The Linkages between Economics and Stewardship
The Complexities of Paying for a Public Benefit
Marketing Stewardship
Ranchers Sustaining Rare Plants
Council Profiles
Reader Survey Results: Making Our Newsletter Better

Fall 2002
Water for Sustainability
Mapping Out Water's Future
Valuing Water, Conserving Water
Advancing Water Management
Council Profiles
Getting To Know Our Groundwater

Summer 2002
Sharing the Wealth
Synergy on Energy
Approaching Urban Encroachment
Farming and Forestry Join Forces
Council Profiles
Trusting in the Land

Spring 2002
Regulation and Sustainability
New Regulatory Framework: Striking a Balance
NRCB Takes on the CFO Challenge
Advocating Positive Solutions
Council Profiles
BMP Manuals - Better Options for a Healthier Environment

Winter 2002
Tailoring Your Plants to Your Changing Needs
Diverse Issues and Innovative Solutions in the Central Region
Changing Practices and Changing Views in the North West
Balancing Economic and Environmental Challenges in the South
Council Profiles
Linking the Farm Based Program to Individual Needs

Fall 2001
Dollars and Sense
More Targeted, Focused and Effective Programming
Progress and Challenges in the Peace Region
Partnerships and Innovation in the North East Region
Council Profiles
Keeping Track: Monitoring Farm Based Progress

Summer 2001
Roots of the Matter
Blowin' in the Wind
Leaping Over the Barriers to Direct Seeding
Planning for Sustainable Woodlots
Council Profiles
Getting Shelterbelts Up and Growing

Spring 2001
Energy and Sustainability
Winds of Opportunity
Bioenergy From Bio-byproducts
Improving Farm Energy Efficiency Today
Council Profiles
Reducing Processing Energy Costs: Good for Business and the Environment

Winter 2001
Benefitting Both Agriculture and Habitat
Biodiversity - Benefits and Challenges
Winter Cereals - Farmer Friendly, Duck-Friendly
Species at Risk Legislation: Cooperation and Regulation
Council Profiles
Complexities of Compensation

Fall 2000
Setting a Standard, Measuring Success
Assessments - Part of a Strategy for Sustainability
Energy Audits - a Win-Win Opportunity for Processors
Voluntary and Farmer-Driven - Keys to Ontario Assessment
Council Profiles
New Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Chair at University of Alberta

Summer 2000
Safeguarding a Precious Resource
Finding Water Quality Solutions in the Oldman River Basin
Common Goals for Healthy Landscapes
Water Quality Monitoring - Getting the Word Out
Council Profiles
Partnerships for Water Quality, Nutrient Recycling and Diversification

Winter 2000
Greenhouse Gases - A Reasoned Response
Industry Risks and Opportunities in the Greenhouse Gas Issue
Carbon Credit Complexities
Greenhouse Gas Basics
Council Profiles
You May Already be Reducing Emissions

Fall 1999
Reframing the Regulatory Framework for Livestock
A Mosaic of Perspectives
The Phosphorus Issue
Making Change Happen
Council Profiles
Partnering: The Key to Success

Summer 1999
Resource Stewardship: Essential to Agriculture
Farm Based Projects: Local Actions Powerful Results
Resource Monitoring to Track Our Progress
Tapping Into a Better Future With Research
Processing Based Component - A Trigger for Change
AESA Council - Strength in Diversity

  Last Reviewed/Revised on October 4, 2006.