Alberta's Agriculture and Food Minister George Groeneveld Applauds his Federal Counterpart

Interview on Call-of-the-Land

  • "We've heard from the producers, they've told us very loud and clear, "Choice Matters." "
  • "Alberta's position is for a complete open market for barley before March."
  • "We agree with Minister Ritz, the time for action is now."
  • "If we don't act now, we risk using our Malting Industry."
  • "The system that we have now with the Wheat Board is not working for the barley producers, its bad for farmers, its bad for our province, its bad for Canada."
  • "Our goal is not and never was to get rid of the wheat board, but we want freedom of choice."

Message from the Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board

OTTAWA, Ontario, January 29, 2008 - This Government is committed to getting things done for farmers and today we took a step forward by getting leaders from throughout the barley value chain to sit down with the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) and decide the best way forward for achieving barley marketing freedom.

Since becoming Agriculture Minister, I have given the CWB every opportunity to help deliver barley marketing freedom 62 per cent of Western Canadian producers have called for. This Government is committed to giving those farm families the freedom they deserve. News Release. Pre-Meeting Ministerial Statement.

Wheat Growers Applaud Minister Ritz for Plans to Move Forward on Barley

The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association is pleased the federal government has signaled its intent to bring about a free market in barley by August 1, 2008.

Western Provinces Unite to Support Marketing Choice For Barley

January 28, 2008 - Edmonton - Agriculture ministers from Alberta, Saskatchewan and B.C. have sent their support to federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz as he meets with grain industry representatives to discuss ending the Canadian Wheat Board's (CWB) monopoly on barley sales. News Release

New CWB Malt Barley Program met with Criticism

From AAFC website:

OTTAWA, Ontario, January 9, 2007 - The Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board, today issued the following statement regarding the Canadian Wheat Board's release of a cash pricing plan for the 2008 malting barley crop:

"Attempts by the Wheat Board to invent an imitation marketplace fall far short of the expressed will of barley producers. Farmers have demanded marketing choice. No bureaucratic program can replace this. It is time for the CWB to stop ignoring this unavoidable fact." Full News Release

Other Reactions to the Program:

  1. Interview With Producer - Greg Porozni
  2. Western Barley Growers Association: Prairie Malt Producers Want Open, Transparent Market Signals Not a new Pooling System
  3. Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association: CWB Barley Scheme Falls Short of Mark
  4. Grain Growers of Canada: Grain Growers of Canada Demand Open Dialogue on Barley Marketing

Alberta's Position on the Canadian Wheat Board and Marketing Choice

One of the things Alberta was hoping to accomplish this past summer and fall was marketing choice so that farmers could choose where they could sell their barley this year.

Marketing choice positions of Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Federal Government, and the Malting Industry....... (Dec 24, 2007 - Agri-News)

Appeal of ruling upholding wheat board barley monopoly to be heard Feb. 26

"The Federal Court of Appeal has agreed to hear the Government's appeal early and this will ensure that barley growers and industry members have the market certainty they need to make decisions for the next crop year, which starts August 1, 2008." News Release

Malting Industry Wants Deregulated Barley Market 

Nov. 27, 2007.  The Malting Industry wants Marketing Choice.....

Wanted: Better Price Signals 

One issue the CWB single desk is that farmers do not receive adequate price signals.

US Wheat Prices Consistently Higher Than CWB PRO 

AB Ag Minister on Marketing Choice 

"Alberta's farmers have told us....." - Minister Groeneveld

Australia - Container Wheat Shipments Deregulated 

The Federal Government in Australia decided to allow bagged and container wheat exports to be fully deregulated, beginning August 27, 2007.

"You can't work this way and expect to survive."

Producer Al Wagner,
Stony Plain

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