House Business

The hours of the sittings of the Assembly are 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday through Thursday.

Order Paper - The Assembly's daily agenda. It should be available online no later than 9:00 a.m. each sitting day.  Starting with 2006, you can access the daily Order Paper through the Calendar.  
Motions - A document that contains those Motions other than Government Motions and Motions for the Production of Papers for which notice has been given and which are eligible to be called for debate during Private Members’ Business on Wednesday afternoons.  
Progress of Bills - A list of all Bills before the House and gives the status of each  
Blues - The preliminary Hansard transcript. Available online within four and one-half hours of the adjournment of the Assembly on each sitting day.
Hansard Search - Search the daily transcript of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Starting with 2006, you can access the daily Hansard through the Calendar.


Hansard Index - The cumulative directory of procedural entries in Hansard, posted at the end of each Spring or Fall Sitting of the Legislative Assembly.  
Coverage of Proceedings -  Information regarding access to radio, internet and televised coverage of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly.  

Last Updated: 12/5/2006