
The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is an MLA elected by a secret ballot procedure at the beginning of every new General Assembly.

The Clerk is the Chief permanent officer of the House.

Government Members
Government Members Office.

Opposition Members
Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
Auditor General
The Office of the Auditor General conducts independent audits and examinations that provide objective information, advice and assurance to the Legislative Assembly.

Information and Privacy Commissioner
The Information and Privacy Commissioner is an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly appointed by the Legislature for a term of five years.

Conflict of Interest Commissioner
The purpose of the Conflict of Interest Act is to assist Members and Ministers in reconciling their private and public interests to enhance public confidence in the Legislative Assembly.

Elections PEI
The principal mandate of Elections PEI is to inform and enable all qualified electors and candidates to exercise their democratic right and ensure their constitutional entitlement in elections as entrenched in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

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