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Protective Services

Safety is the primary focus of the Protective Services Branch. Made up of the Wildland Fire Management Program, Yukon Emergency Measures Organization and Fire Marshall’s Office, the employees promote and co-ordinate wildland fire and structural protection and prevention, and emergency preparedness in the Yukon.


The Wildland Fire Management Program is responsible for managing Yukon wildfires and enforcing the Government of Yukon’s Forest Protection Act. In doing so, the Wildland Fire Management Program works to prevent personal injury and loss of life and to minimize social and economic disruption resulting from wildfires. How a fire is responded to is based on the Program’s Zonation Policy, which divides Yukon’s forested area into five management zones.  The Zonation Policy recognizes that wildland fire is an essential element of forest management and where possible, should be allowed to occur naturally.  It also recognizes that areas around communities and valuable resources need to be protected from fire. A FireSmart component aimed at reducing hazard through funding to various groups, communities and First Nations has also proven to be a valuable component of the overall Wildland Fire Management Program.


Yukon Emergency Measures Organization (Yukon EMO), is responsible for coordinating the Territory's preparedness for, response to, and recovery from, major emergencies and disasters. As the territorial authority for emergency preparedness, Yukon EMO provides leadership to ensure that the appropriate contingency plans are in place to deal with foreseeable risks and hazards. To aid in the accomplishment of this mandate, Yukon EMO is divided into 13 geographical preparedness areas. Eight of these areas have incorporated Municipalities that have appointed a Municipal EMO Coordinator to chair the local Emergency Planning Committee. In the remaining areas, the Emergency Measures Organization, in consultation with the local community, appoints an emergency coordinator.


The Fire Marshal's Office works to reduce the loss of life and property to fire.

The Fire Marshal is responsible for public education and fire fighter training, as well as for funding and administering 17 volunteer fire departments in Yukon unincorporated communities. Furthermore, the Fire Marshal ensures that the cause and origin of fires in Yukon are investigated. Staff of the Fire Marshal’s Office conducts fire and life safety inspections on hotels, public assembly buildings, schools, day care centers, homes for special care and restaurants throughout the territory.


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