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NTSC format: main video standard used in North America and Japan
PAL and SECAM formats: main video standards used in the rest of the world

Number of copies Title of videotape Format / Unit cost
Electricity, How Does it Work? - Electricity and Safety
*** Not available ***
Contains 7 documentaries
Duration: 89 minutes
NTSC : $18.00
PAL : $55.00
SECAM : $55.00
Generating Facilities

Contains 4 documentaries
Duration: 60 minutes
NTSC : $18.00
PAL : $55.00
SECAM : $55.00
Transmission and Telecommunications - The Environment
*** Not available ***
Contains 7 documentaries
Duration: 113 minutes
NTSC : $18.00
PAL : $55.00
SECAM : $55.00
La Grande Complex

Contains 6 documentaries
Duration: 40 minutes
NTSC : $18.00
PAL : $55.00
SECAM : $55.00

Number of copies Title of book Unit cost
Hydro-Québec After 100 years of Electricity $10.00
Guide to Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
*** EDITION 2006 ***
49.95 $

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