Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-128
May 12, 2005

Recycling Club Back For Tenth Year

WHITEHORSE - The Recycling Club, one of the most successful recycling programs ever undertaken by any jurisdiction in North America, is back for another summer and its tenth anniversary.

The new Recycling Club booklet with the list of this year's prizes is available from recycling centres and Environment Yukon offices in the communities.

This year's new prizes include a digital camera, an MP3 player, an aquarium kit and a Multiplex pass for the new Whitehorse centre. One of the more sought after items, not on last year's list and returning this year, is a trampoline.

"The Yukon government's Recycling Club has changed the way thousands of people, especially families, have embraced recycling as a part of their daily lives," Environment Minister Peter Jenkins said.

"The public's support of the recycling program and the Recycling Club provides the cornerstone for community run recycling centres in virtually every community in the territory. Most importantly, the club encouraged and convinced many families to start and practice the recycling habit," Jenkins said. 

Over 13,000 Recycling Club membership cards have been handed out over the years to young people from four to 16 years of age.

The club has resulted in over 134 million beverage containers recycled and re-used here in the Yukon and $500,000 in operating grants turned over to the Yukon's community run recycling centres. The money is from the consumers who buy the containers, not taxpayers.


 Peter Carr  Dennis Senger
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-5237