Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-241
September 21, 2005

Proposed Wildlife Act Amendments Out For Review And Comment

WHITEHORSE - Environment Minister Peter Jenkins has announced today the Yukon government's proposal to move forward with Yukon Wildlife Act amendments to make the act consistent with First Nations Final Agreements and to provide for species at risk legislation that will allow for local management of species at risk.

Environment Yukon has developed two background papers that outline the proposed changes in general terms.  The documents are being mailed to the Council for Yukon First Nations, all Yukon First Nations, as well as the Tetlit Gwich'in in Fort McPherson and the Inuvialuit of the Mackenzie Delta.

The Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, Renewable Resources Councils, municipal governments and various non-government organizations will also receive both documents for review and comment.

The documents can be viewed at  Printed copies will be available at Environment Yukon offices in the communities and the Yukon government administration building on Second Avenue in Whitehorse.

Organizations and individuals with an interest in the topics are encouraged to review the proposals and provide comments no later than Friday, Oct. 21.


 Peter Carr  Dennis Senger
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications, Environment
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667 - 5237