Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-067
April 18, 2007

Yukon Allocates Substantial Increase To Wildlife Inventories

WHITEHORSE - Environment Minister Dennis Fentie has announced a 62 per cent increase in the resource management inventory budget for 2007-08, for a total of $1.285 million.

"We have already completed important survey work on moose, caribou and mountain goat populations," Fentie said. "We will continue to enhance inventory work to guide us in wildlife management, land and resource planning, climate change action and adaptation."

In the 2006-07 fiscal year, Environment Yukon, in cooperation with First Nations and Renewable Resources Councils, conducted several inventory projects for a total cost of approximately $300,000.

Four population counts of moose were done in Liard East, Mayo, Magundy-Little Salmon and Burwash. Preliminary inventories of wood bison and elk were also conducted.

"These surveys were a good start," Fentie said. "However, they also reminded us there is more work to be done in getting a clear, overall picture of our wildlife inventories and how to best manage them."

The first-ever Environment Forum, held over two days in March, was an overwhelming success with over 180 participants in attendance.

The forum engaged stakeholders from First Nations, Renewable Resources Councils, non-government organizations, boards and councils, academic institutions, private consulting firms and federal resource agencies.

Information gathered at the forum will help Environment Yukon to plan and prioritize inventory work for the upcoming season, as well as respond to the interests of resource management partners.

Environment Yukon plans to hold a second Environment Forum in spring 2008.


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Barbara McLeod
Communications, Environment