Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-099
May 23, 2007

Climate Change Action Planning Set To Begin

WHITEHORSE – Environment Minister Dennis Fentie will be welcoming delegates from around the territory this week as they begin a two day workshop to start the first phase in the development of the Yukon government's Climate Change Action Plan.

The workshop will bring together approximately 65 delegates from all levels of government, non-government organizations, business, industry and the general public.

"We are moving forward on our climate change agenda," Fentie said. "Our government promised a strategy made by Yukoners that would consider the unique challenges Yukon faces as one of the regions most affected by climate change. We look to the expertise and wisdom of Yukoners for guidance in developing such a strategy."

Delegates to the May 24th and 25th workshop at the High Country Inn in Whitehorse are being asked to map out climate change risks and concerns, and the best solutions for mitigation and adaptation.

The workshop will be followed by a broad public consultation that is expected to lead to the release of the Climate Change Action Plan in spring, 2008.


Attachments: Workshop agenda and backgrounder

Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Barbara McLeod
Communications Coordinator

Scoping the Government of Yukon Climate Change Action Plan
May 24 & 25 2007, High Country Inn

Workshop Agenda



 Coffee and Registration
May 24  9:00   Welcome / Prayer
   9:30   Opening Address from the Minister of Environment
   10:00   Health Break


 John Streicker
 The Scope of Climate Change and the Potential for Yukon
 Johanna Smith
 The Yukon Government and Climate Change
   11:00   Introduction to Open Spaces
   12:00   Lunch (provided)


 Focus Session 1: Climate Change Risks and Concerns
 What are the problems we face and how can we address them?
   2:30   Health Break
   2:45   Focus Session 2: Opportunities and Responsibilities
 Given the situation, what is the best path forward?
   4:00   Wrap up / Homework

May 25
 8:30   Coffee
   9:00   Regroup
 Focus Session 3: Action Plan
 How do we move from Strategy to Action?
   10:30   Health Break
 Focus Session 4: Action Plan
 What does the Action Plan look like?
   12:00  Lunch (provided)

 Focus Session 5: The Big Picture
 How will the Action Plan go forward and
 bridge with other initiatives?
   2:30   Health Break
 Setting Priorities
   4:00   Last words / Next steps


What is a Government of Yukon Climate Change Action Plan?

The Government of Yukon Climate Change Action Plan will identify the actions this government will take to respond to climate change. The Action Plan will build on Yukon's current climate change initiatives and will outline adaptation, as well as greenhouse gas reduction actions.

Types of actions within Government of Yukon's jurisdiction that may be appropriate include: incentive programs, regulations, policy development, planning guidelines or requirements, public awareness and leading by example by enhancing internal operations.

Government of Yukon recognizes that climate change is an urgent issue with long term implications and requires action now. We also recognize that we are a small jurisdiction with limited resources and must act strategically and on the issues of highest priority to Yukoners. This workshop will help identify the climate change priorities.

Why are we holding a workshop?

Climate change is being discussed at many levels; locally, nationally and globally. As Government of Yukon moves forward in this area, we need to hear from Yukoners on their priorities to help inform the process. The most effective response to climate change will require cooperation and collaboration.

This workshop will be an opportunity for those working on, concerned by or interested in climate change to come together and initiate a dialogue to build partnerships and work together in response to climate change. This workshop will also be useful to help inform other planning processes such as individual community sustainability plans and the Yukon Energy Strategy.

What are the next steps after the workshop?

After the workshop, we will provide all participants with a summary report and solicit additional feedback. We will write a draft Climate Change Action Plan this summer. We will begin public consultation on the draft plan during the fall.

We expect to release a final Government of Yukon Climate Change Action Plan in the spring of 2008.