Government of Yukon


FOR RELEASE     #07-204
September 26, 2007

Changes to Enforcement of Dempster Highway Wildlife Regulations this Fall

WHITEHORSE – Environment Yukon is advising there are changes affecting Dempster Highway caribou hunters this fall.

This year the department will not be enforcing the 500-metre no hunting corridor or the one-week closure allowing the caribou leaders to pass. These changes follow a recent decision to stay charges against a Tr'ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation citizen, and take into consideration concerns expressed by First Nations user communities and the pending effort by the Porcupine Caribou Management Board to develop a harvest management strategy for the herd.

The department will undertake a review and consultation with the Porcupine Caribou Management Board, affected First Nations and others to determine whether the regulations continue to meet the intended public safety and conservation objectives.

The decision to not enforce the 500-metre corridor regulation only applies to caribou hunters. The department will enforce the laws that prohibit other licensed big game hunters from taking big game within 500 metres of the highway.

The department will enforce the public safety laws of general application that prohibit the shooting of firearms across a highway or from a vehicle.

The one-week hunting closure will not be enforced if or when the herd starts its migration across the highway.

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John Russell
Director, Conservation Officer Services
(867) 667-5786