Government of Yukon


FOR RELEASE     #07-232
October 31, 2007

New Parks Regulations Out For Public Review And Comment

WHITEHORSE - The Yukon government has started a public review of proposed parks regulations to replace campground regulations that have been on the books for the past 23 years. The deadline for written comments is Friday, January 18, 2008.

Drafted to meet obligations in the Parks and Land Certainty Act, specific land claim settlement agreements and approved park management plans, the proposed regulations provide a legal authority to manage specific activities within a park, campground or recreation site so that all users are respected.

The proposed general regulations cover concerns raised in the past about loud parties, public drinking, pets running at large, ATV use on the roads and excessive firewood consumption.

Wildlife Act regulations will continue to apply to hunters, trappers or outfitters operating in Yukon parks, as will the regulations under the Wilderness Tourism Licensing Act and the regulations related to the protection of historic sites, historic objects and human remains under the Historic Resources Act.

The public and user groups are encouraged to review the proposed regulations to provide written comments. A parallel consultation to inform and solicit input from Yukon First Nations, the Inuvialuit, and the Tetlit Gwich'in is also underway.

The regulations are supported by the government's commitment to protect Yukon's pristine environment, plan and manage a system of wilderness preserves, natural environment parks and ecological reserves throughout the territory, and to insure that Yukon campgrounds remain safe and pleasant places for residents and visitors to enjoy.

The pubic information package is posted on Environment Yukon's website ( for viewing or downloading while printed copies are available at the department's offices in the communities and the Yukon government administration building on Second Avenue in Whitehorse.

The information package includes the Parks General Regulation and regulations for Herschel Island Territorial Park, the Ni'iinlii' Njik (Fishing Branch) Ecological Reserve and the Ni'iinlii' Njik (Fishing Branch) Wilderness Preserve. The three park regulations provide legislative authority for activities outlined in the approved management plans that were prepared in response to land claim obligations.



Roxanne Vallevand  
Cabinet Communications  
(867) 633-7949   

Dennis Senger
Communications, Environment
(867) 667-5237