Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-333
December 20, 2005

Family Violence And Court Modernization Legislation Passed

WHITEHORSE - Four acts designed to improve and modernize the justice system were passed in the Yukon Legislative Assembly.

"The amendments passed in this session serve to strengthen and modernize our existing legislation," Justice Minister John Edzerza said. "This is part of our ongoing process of reviewing legislation to ensure that it remains current and responsive to the needs of Yukoners."

Family Violence Prevention Act - One of the more significant amendments to this act is that the definition of family violence has been expanded to include emotional abuse. As well, maximum fines and penalties for a second offence or subsequent offences have been increased up to $10,000 and imprisonment for a term of up to 24 months or both.

Small Claims Act - The maximum amount that can be claimed under the act increased from $5,000 to $25,000, bringing the Yukon more in line with other jurisdictions that have raised their limits. Other amendments clarify and streamline the court process.

Supreme Court Act - This act was amended to allow for the appointment of a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Yukon.

Jury Act - Amendments to this act clarify and generally make processes easier to understand while modernizing the act to reflect current practices in our courts.

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 Peter Carr  Deb Wald
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications, Yukon Justice
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 393-7081