Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-242
December 11, 2006

Projects Share Crime Prevention And Victim Services Trust Fund Money

WHITEHORSE - Justice Minister Marian C. Horne has announced that the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund is awarding $184,733 to support 12 projects aimed at crime prevention and victim services in four Yukon communities.

"These projects give Yukoners healthy and productive outlets for their energies," Horne said. "We were pleased to see such a range of pro-activity and prevention among the applications."

The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund awards money to projects designed to:

  •  provide services and information to support victims of offences;
  •  help reduce the incidence of crime;
  •  address the root cause of criminal behaviour;
  •  prevent violence against women and children; and 
  •  publicize information about crime prevention and how people can protect themselves from becoming victims.

Kluane First Nation of Burwash Landing was awarded $14,116 for the Kids/Youth Crime Prevention Conference.

"Making traditional things with elders, mentoring to good behaviour, learning traditional knowledge, medicine and ways of life: these will give the youth a good foundation," explained Sam Sen, Kluane First Nation Director of Health and Social Services and Education. "We want to create a base of literacy and skill."

The fund is supported through a variety of sources as set out in the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Act.

Since its inception in 1998, the Trust Fund has awarded over $2 million toward crime prevention and victim service projects in the Yukon.

The Board of Trustees review proposals and awards money twice per year.  The next deadline for funding is April 15, 2007. 

The public is invited to donate money to support community projects by contacting the Trust Fund administrator at (867) 667-5367.

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Attachment: Trust Fund Award Recipients

 Albert Petersen  Barbara McLeod  
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications  
 Cabinet Office  Yukon Justice  
 (867) 633-7961  (867) 393-7081  


Aikido Yukon was awarded $5,000 for Aikido for Youth at Risk to provide youth, children and women the fundamentals of Aikido.  Instruction in avoiding future criminality and victimization are offered.   Contact Jean-Marc Perreault at 1-867-334-6272.

The Carcross/Tagish First Nation will receive $7,832.00 in support of Collaboration 06.  Carcross/Tagish youth will be restoring the outdoor ice arena and rink in Carcross as well as introducing a new co-ed soccer team.  Contact David Ravensdale at 1-867-821-8211
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society of Yukon (FASSY) will receive $54,160.00 for Crafts and Recreation Night.  This will provide two evenings of recreation and crafts for 20 adults.  Contact Judy Pakozdy at 1-867-393-4948.

Kaska Brotherhood Society of Watson Lake will be receiving $18,000.00 for the continuation and development of the Society.  The group will assist Kaska men in accessing employment, and promoting healthy and responsible lifestyles in the Kaska tradition.  Contact Tom Cove at 1-867-536-2200. 

Kluane First Nation of Burwash Landing has been awarded $14,116.00 for the Kids/Youth Crime Prevention Conference.  This conference took place in November 2006 with workshops on alcohol and drug abuse, social isolations and land-based traditional knowledge with recreational activities throughout.  Contact Sam Sen at 1-867-841-4616 ext. 244.

Kwanlin Dun First Nation will receive $3,000 in support of the In-School Tutoring Project.  This project provides 40 Kwanlin Dun students with math and language tutoring at Elijah Smith Elementary School as well as occasional family lunches for all to enjoy.  Contact Cara Smith at 1-867-668-7830.

Liard First Nation will receive $30,000 to provide a Life Skills/Work Experience program for male youth.  Participants will gain knowledge in addictions, self-awareness, work experience and job shadowing.  Contact Roberta Jules at 1-867-536-5207. 

Ta'an Kwach'an Council is awarded $15,000 for the Youth Awareness Through Activity program.  TKC will sponsor a lunch or supper once a week with speakers and counselors to talk about the root causes and prevention of crime and violence.  An evening of recreational activity will follow.  Contact Shawn MacRury at 1-867-668-3616.

Youth of Today Society will receive $15,000 in support of the Blue Feather Feeding Program.  The feeding program offers youth one free meal a day, 5 days a week.  The youth acquire knowledge in meal planning and preparation, cooking skills, food safe and budgeting.  Contact Vicki Durrant at 1-867-633-9687.

Yukon Canoe & Kayak Club was awarded $2,625.00 for Friday Night Paddling Sessions to provide youth with instruction in kayaking, rafting and canoeing at the Whitehorse pool. Contact Eyvi Smith at 1-867-456-4827.

Yukon Men's Society was awarded $15,000 for a Community Outreach Project to provide the outreach services to communities by establishing a newsletter and educational materials, providing workshops and training sessions and assisting communities in developing men's healing programs.  Contact Raghu Kolothumkattil at 1-867-633-2093.

Watson Lake Secondary School will receive $5,000 for Badminton Night.  Youth will enjoy two nights of badminton this year with training for youth for Level 1 - Theory and Coaching.  Mini-tournaments to Whitehorse are planned.  Contact Shelley McInroy at 1-867-536-2501.