Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-028
February 21, 2007

Yukon Justice Minister Applauds RCMP For Major Drug Seizure

WHITEHORSE - Justice Minister Marian C. Horne has congratulated the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for their work in seizing 4.95 kilograms of cocaine and 41 kilograms of marijuana on Saturday, Feb. 17.

"On behalf of the Yukon government, I applaud the RCMP's efforts in addressing substance abuse in our communities," Horne said.  "Through their efforts over the weekend the RCMP has significantly reduced the amount of drugs - and the harm that they do - in Yukon communities."

"Clearly, the seizure of this magnitude of illicit drugs demonstrates the RCMP's commitment to public safety, and this is a commitment our government shares," Horne added.
To this end, last December the Yukon Government announced it would provide funding for RCMP crime reduction initiatives targeting street-level drug and alcohol offenders.  In addition to this partnership, the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods office has recently opened and has already posted a number of eviction notices.

"In the near future, Yukon will also open a Community Wellness Court that will ensure that those individuals who become involved with the law, because of their addictions, can receive court monitored treatment," Horne stated. "We are going to provide treatment for Yukoners with addictions.  We want to bring help, healing and hope for the offender, the victims and for our communities.

"Yukoners want to feel safe. We have responded with these and other initiatives to create safer communities and to deal with alcohol and drug abuse," Horne said. "Enforcement is one of the strategic directions of our Substance Abuse Action Plan, and I thank the RCMP for their excellent work and dedication."



Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications

Chris Beacom
Communications, Justice