Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-054
April 12, 2007

Government Commits Resources To Fighting Crime

WHITEHORSE - Justice Minister Marian C. Horne announced today that the Yukon government's Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) office is assisting in delivering platform commitments and making the Yukon a safer place to live.

The SCAN office, which was created when the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods legislation was passed by the government in 2006, investigates ongoing activity that causes harm in Yukon's communities and neighbourhoods.

The Yukon government will allocate $44,000 in capital expenditures and $357,000 for operation and maintenance of the office, subject to legislative approval.

"This is money well spent because it is helping Yukon communities address the impacts of drug trafficking and bootlegging. Community safety is the utmost priority for this government," Horne said. "The SCAN legislation has proven effective and popular in addressing harmful activity in Whitehorse neighbourhoods."

Since the SCAN office opened on November 29, 2006, it has closed down drug-dealing operations in five dwellings in Whitehorse. The office responds to confidential complaints from the public about ongoing harmful activity throughout Yukon. To date, the office has received 65 complaints.

"The public has informed the government that they are appreciative of the assistance provided by the SCAN office in helping to make their communities safer places to live," Horne added.

Yukoners that witness ongoing harmful activity in their neighbourhood or community can report it to the SCAN office by calling 456-SCAN (7226) in Whitehorse or toll-free in the communities at 1-866-530-SCAN (7226).


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Christopher Beacom
Communications, Justice