Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-055
April 12, 2007

Yukon Government Recognizes Needs Of Victims Of Crime

WHITEHORSE - Yukon Justice Minister Marian C. Horne is joining her colleagues across Canada to recognize the needs for victims of criminal activity.

This week in both houses of Parliament, and in most provincial and territorial legislatures, legislators will rise to speak on behalf of victims.

"The effects of victimization are far reaching," Horne said. "Victims' families, friends, and communities are affected. They may be financially, physically and emotionally affected as individuals."

Horne wants Yukoners to know that the Yukon government is providing an effective array of services for victims of crime. These services include:

• VictimLINK Crisis Line is a toll free, 24-hour service offered in partnership with British Columbia, which provides crisis support, information and referral services for victims of family and sexual violence;

• Domestic Violence Treatment Option Court, in Whitehorse and Watson Lake, recognizes family violence as a serious criminal act but provides innovative solutions that combine court proceedings with proven benefits of offender treatment;

• Children Who Witness Domestic Violence is a new program that addresses the needs of children victims who witness violence. This program is working in conjunction with the Domestic Violence Treatment Court; and

• Victim Services and Family Violence Prevention unit offers support services and professional assistance to victims of crime and abuse, as well as treatment programs such as the Spousal Abuse Program and the Sexual Offender Risk Management program.

Legislators have a serious responsibility and obligation to protect all Yukoners, including those that have become victims of crime.

"We are committed to reducing criminal activity in our communities. The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods office is up and running and the new Street Crime Reduction Team should be on the streets shortly," Horne added. "Much of the crime, in our communities, is linked to drug and alcohol abuse. We are committed to dealing with that through the Substance Abuse Action Plan."


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Christopher Beacom
Communications, Justice