
Education Policies

Public Schools

General Administration

1000 General Policy pdf file
1001 Tobacco-Free Facilities pdf file
1002 Trespassing On School Property - Under Review
1003 Mandatory Use of Helmets for School Sponsored Activities pdf file
1004 Volunteers in the Schools pdf file      [Appendices] pdf file
1005 School Locker Use and Locker Searches pdf file
1006 Substance Abuse pdf file
1007 Police Investigations in Schools/Drug Free Protocol - Under Review
1009 Media Inquiries pdf file
1011 Safe and Caring Schools pdf file
1022 After-School Child Care Operations in Schools pdf file
1023 Home Prepared Foods pdf file

Curriculum and Programs

3001 Reconsideration of Learning Resources - Under Review
3004 Field Trip Policy  pdf file     [Appendicespdf file
         Gender Equity Policy pdf file

Student Services

4001 Student Attendance pdf file
4003 Administration of Medication to Students pdf file 

Facilities and Transportation

5001 Gadzoosdaa Student Residence Admissions pdf file
5002 Student Transportation By Government Vehicles (Vans) pdf file
5003 Video Surveillance in Schools and on School Buses pdf file
5004 Student Transportation on School Buses - Ridership Guidelines pdf file
5005 Student Living Allowance pdf file

Advanced Education


General 2A  Western College of Veterinary Medicine eligibility pdf file
General 4A  Rejecting a student pdf file
General 5A  Student Financial Assistance Committee pdf file

Yukon Grant

YG 1A  Determining 65% equivalency and when students should be upgraded to 100% funding pdf file
YG 2A  Funding for correspondence courses pdf file
YG 3A  Airfare/Travel allowance pdf file
YG 4A  Completion of High School pdf file
YG 5A  Full-time studies pdf file

Student Training Allowance

STA 3A  Maximum number of dependents pdf file
STA 4A  Required to study full-time pdf file

Guidelines and Procedures

The policies of the Department of Education reflect the programs and legislative mandates of three department branches: Advanced Education Branch; Education Support Services Branch and Public Schools Branch.

Initiation of new Policy or Policy Revision

All suggestions, recommendations or requests for the development or revision of a policy will be considered.

A school committee, school council, parent group or member of the public may suggest, in writing, the need for a policy or policy revision to be included in the Department of Education Policy Manual.

Written requests for policy development or revision should be forwarded to the Director, Policy, Planning and Evaluation (PPE), Department of Education. Requests will be reviewed and prioritized by the Executive Management Committee of the Department.

In consultation with the Executive Management Committee, the Policy, Planning and Evaluation Branch will periodically create a work plan to ensure that all required policy issues are dealt with on a timely basis.

A work plan does not preclude any school council, committee, board, parent, member of the public or branch from bringing forward a suggestion for policy work or policy revision on a priority basis, where required.

Roles and Responsibilities

Upon receiving a request to develop or revise a policy, the Director of PPE will conduct the policy development process in a consultative way with the responsible sponsoring Branch and/or agency.

This includes working with the requesting agency or branch to identify issues and affected stakeholder groups, develop a consultation plan, establish timing, approval and cost assessment and ensure the policy complies with all corporate and legislative obligations.

Policy Approval

Policies will be approved by the Executive Management Committee and signed off by the Deputy Minister.

Contact - Policy

Policy, Planning & Evaluation
Department of Education
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Tel: (867) 667-8181
Toll Free (in Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 8181
Fax: (867) 456-6788