Nova Scotia, Canada
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About Us:

PPS Independence
Role of the PPS

Did You Know:

The Criminal Case
Where to Find Us

News Releases


Crown Attorney Manual
- Prosecution and Administrative Policies for the PPS


Accountability Report (PDF)


Annual Report 2004-2005 (PDF)

2005-2006 Statistics (PDF)

Business Plan (PDF)


Routine Access to Administrative & Operational Records Without a FOIPOP Application (PDF)



Our Mission
To seek justice and serve the public interest by performing prosecution duties with fairness, professionalism, and integrity.

Welcome to the Nova Scotia
Public Prosecution Service

This site explains the role of the Public Prosecution Service and the job of the Crown Attorney. It also takes you - step-by-step - through a criminal case. It explains the process clearly and simply and will help you to understand how a criminal prosecution works in Canada perhaps correcting any misconceptions you might have.

Anybody interested in criminal prosecutions will find these pages informative, particularly those who become involved in a prosecution as a witness, as a victim, or, perhaps, as an accused individual.


Note: Some files on this Web site require the free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader for viewing.

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Comments to: /2003-Apr-23.
