Heritage Fund


Improving Albertans' Quality of Life

Heritage Fund to receive injection from surplus
November 20, 2007

Alberta’s Heritage Fund is on course to grow by more than a billion dollars this year after another deposit from the province’s unanticipated surplus.

According to the in-year surplus allocation policy, cash available from the unanticipated surplus is to be divided one-third to savings and investments, and two-thirds to capital spending, of which at least half must be used for capital maintenance. As of the second quarter of the 2006-07 fiscal year, $825 million has been committed to the Heritage Fund.

In addition, $496 million is forecast to be retained in the Fund for inflation-proofing the Fund, as detailed in the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund 2007-08 Second Quarter Update (pdf).

As of September 30, 2007, the fair value of the Heritage Fund stood at $16.1 billion. Throughout its 31-year history, the Fund has generated approximately $30 billion in investment income that has improved the quality of life in the province.

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Page last updated:  November 20, 2007