Tax and Revenue Administration (TRA)

This section of the website contains material from Tax and Revenue Administration (TRA), a division of Alberta Finance, responsible for tax and revenue collection and administration.

For information on Alberta's overall tax advantage, including our single rate personal income tax, see Alberta's Tax Advantage.

If you have questions about your personal income taxes, please direct these to the Canada Revenue Agency.External Link

Organization of Information on this Website

This home page, New Initiatives, Publications & Forms, Taxes & Rebates - General Information, Taxes & Rebates - Program Information, TRA Forms Index, TRA FAQs Index and TRA Important Filing, Remittance and Claims Dates are available from the left-side menu above.  As you use the left-side menu, it will expand when there is more information about the topic you have selected.

For your convenience, the main categories under General Information and Program Information are also provided in the table below:

Taxes & Rebates
- General Information
  Taxes & Rebates
- Program Information
TRA Responsibilities and Functions; Provide your input on TRA's Draft Fairness and Service Pledge
New Initiatives, Publications and Forms
TRA Forms Index
TRA FAQs Index
TRA Important Filing, Remittance
and Claims Dates Index
Alberta's Tax Advantage and News
Client Surveys
GST Related Information
Internet Payment Option
for many of TRA's programs
Personal Income Tax
PST and HST Tax Links
Sales Taxes for Businesses entering Other Provinces
Tax Notes E-Newsletter
TRA Client Self-Service (TRACS)
Alberta Indian Tax Exemption
Alberta Royalty Programs for Individuals/Trusts
Corporate Tax
Fuel Tax (NEW Act)
Fuel Tax (OLD Act)
Health Cost Recovery
International Registration Plan / Prorate
Tobacco Tax
Tourism Levy

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Tax and Revenue Administration Responsibilities and Functions

Tax and Revenue Administration (TRA) has four branches:

  • Revenue Operations
  • Audit
  • Tax Services
  • Business Technology Management

TRA administers the following:

  • Alberta Corporate Tax Act (includes provisions to determine the Alberta income tax of corporations, the Alberta Royalty Tax Credit for corporations, the Alberta Royalty Credit for Individuals and Trusts, the Insurance Corporations Tax, and the Financial Institutions Capital Tax);
  • Fuel Tax Act;
  • Tobacco Tax Act;
  • Tourism Levy Act (formerly Hotel Room Tax Act);
  • Alberta Indian Tax Exemption (AITE) Program under the Fuel Tax Act and the Tobacco Tax Act;
  • GST-free Alberta Government Entities List; and
  • Health Cost Recovery Program.

To assist our clients to comply with legislation, this site incorporates many public TRA documents explaining the legislation and providing specific compliance information.

Every effort has been made to ensure the contents of the publications found on this site are accurate.  However, if any discrepancy should occur between the publications and governing legislation, the legislation takes precedence.

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Tax and Revenue Administration Contact Information

See the contact information below for Tax and Revenue Administration (TRA).  Contact TRA with your questions about Alberta corporate tax, fuel tax, tobacco tax, tourism levy (formerly hotel room tax), Alberta Indian Tax Exemption program, Health Cost Recovery program, or GST-free Entities List.  For information or questions on personal income tax, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency.)

Tax and Revenue Administration - Edmonton


Tax and Revenue Administration
Alberta Finance
9811 - 109 Street
Edmonton, AB  T5K 2L5
PHONE: (780) 427-3044 - For toll free service in Alberta, call 310-0000; then enter (780) 427-3044
FAX: (780) 427-0348

Tax and Revenue Administration - Calgary


Tax and Revenue Administration
Alberta Finance
1100 - 715 - 5th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, AB  T2P 2X6
PHONE: (403) 297-5200
FAX: (403) 297-5238

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Page last updated:  February 4, 2008