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Making a Change

Making the kind of life change it takes to overcome substance use or gambling problems is not an event; it’s a journey.

Researchers have looked at how people make changes in their lives. This research shows that for a lot of people, the journey begins before they start to change—even before they start thinking about it. And for those who succeed in changing, the journey goes on long after the actual change happens.

It helps to think of this journey of change as a series of steps. The journey is different for each person, but most people will go through at least one of these steps at some time or other. You might even be at one of these steps right now.

  • Don’t Want to Change? Not everyone does. For many people, this is where the journey begins. But it doesn’t have to end there.
  • Thinking About Change? Maybe you’re concerned about your substance use or gambling, but you’re not sure if you’re ready to change.
  • Planning for Change: A little preparation before you make your change can go a long way in helping you succeed.
  • Making the Change: You’re ready; you’re set; now it’s time to go for it!
  • Maintaining the Change: Your journey isn't over once you’ve made your change. In many ways, it’s just beginning.

AADAC can help you at every step of the journey. Not sure what step to take next? AADAC counsellors are trained professionals who can help you find out. In fact, meeting you wherever you are on this journey is a big part of our approach.

To find out more about how we can help you make a change, contact your local AADAC office Monday to Friday during office hours, or call the 24-hour AADAC Help Line at 1-866-332-2322 (Alberta only).

LAST REVIEWED: Thursday, July 5, 2007