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Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB)
LCLB issues licences in B.C. for making and selling liquor (either by the glass or bottle) and supervises the service of liquor in licensed establishments.

Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB)
LDB regulates the distribution, importation and retailing of beverage alcohol in B.C. and operates over 200 government liquor stores in the province. For information about the Liquor Distribution Branch, please see the BC Liquor Stores site.

Renew and Review Your Liquor Licence Online
Eight weeks before your liquor licence is due to expire, we will send the primary owner of your licensed establishment instructions on how to set up an online account.

Latest News

February 5, 2008
Liquor Compliance Summary Report – released
The compliance summary report lists the results of 1,576 compliance-related inspections of liquor establishments in British Columbia. The inspections occured between October 1 and December 31, 2007.

Updated: October 30, 2007
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