Government of Yukon

A > Z

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Aboriginal Language Service
The Aboriginal Language Service branch provides funding to Yukon First Nations for community-based language projects.

Aboriginal Law Group
The Aboriginal Law Group provides legal and policy advice to the Yukon Government respecting the negotiation and interpretation of Yukon First Nation Final Agreements, the rights of Aboriginal people, and other matters relating to Aboriginal law.

Access to Information & Protection of Privacy
Gives people a formal method of requesting information from Yukon government departments. Individuals can also request corrections to their own personal information contained in Yukon government records. Find application forms here.

Accident Claims
How to file a claim against the Yukon government.

Accommodating Home Mortgage Program
Helping build homes that are easier to enter, get around in, interact with, and adapt for future needs.

Acts and Regulations
Search all Acts and Regulations administered by the Department of Justice.

Adult Probation
Probation is a court order that authorizes the offender to remain at large in the community subject to conditions prescribed in a probation order.

Advanced Artist Award
Helps advanced Yukon visual, literary and performing artists practising at a senior level. Assists with innovative projects, travel or educational pursuits that contribute to their personal artistic development and to their community.

Advanced Education Branch
Prepares Yukoners for the labour force through education, training, employment and other services.

Aerial photos
Find Yukon aerial photos online with SkyLine. For help using SkyLine, call 667-3111, e-mail or visit the Yukon Energy, Mines & Resources Library at Room 335, Elijah Smith Building.

Agricultural Land Applications
These fact sheets provide information about agricultural land applications, grazing agreements and planned agricultural lots.

Agricultural Policy Framework
The Agricultural Policy Framework offers programs that give the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry the tools, services and options to strengthen business and increase prosperity.

Agriculture Extension Services
The Agriculture Branch provides advice to farmers on all aspects of farm management, production, marketing, conservation techniques, new farm technology, and farm financing through extension services.

The Aviation Branch develops and operates 4 airports and 25 aerodromes. Find listings and contact information here.

Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program
This program allows people, who have lost their driver's licence through an impaired driving conviction, an opportunity to gain conditional driving privileges.

Alcohol and Drug Services
Prevention, detoxification, outpatient counselling, inpatient services, youth services and outreach.

Apprenticeship and Training
Advanced Education provides a number a programs for the training and certification of apprentices and trades workers in Yukon.

Archaeology Program
Research, management, and interpretation of Yukon's archaeological sites and collections.

Arts Fund
Supports group projects that foster the creative development of the arts in the Yukon and support the principles of the Yukon Arts Policy.

Assay Coupon Program
Prospectors can get coupons toward the cost of an assay or analysis. The Assay Coupon Program promotes and supports grassroots mineral prospecting and exploration activities in Yukon.

Asset Control
The Material Management Unit helps government departments, agencies and crown corporations manage and dispose of publicly-owned property.

Bankruptcy - court services
Instructions for filing for bankruptcy.

Beverage Container Dealer and Depot Permits
Any person or company importing beverages or selling them for resale must have a beverage container dealer permit. Any person or company that collects beverage containers and issue refunds to consumers must be registered as a depot.

Beverage Container Refunds/Recycling
In Whitehorse, return bottles (glass and plastic) and cans for deposit refunds to the Raven Recycling (100 Galena Road). Outside of Whitehorse, you can return liqour bottles and cans for a refund at government liquor stores.

Bid Challenge
Bidders and proponents (contractors) can voice complaints about the tendering process and provide input on correcting any possible inconsistencies.

Birth Certificate
How to order a Yukon birth certificate.

BizPaL - Online Business Permits and Licences
Answer a short series of questions about business and receive a customized list of potential permits and licences you will need from all levels of government.

Boards and Committees
A complete listing of all boards and committees is found in the directory. The Boards and Committees handbook has complete lists of current members. You can also find the nomination and application forms for boards and committees here.

Boiler Registrations and Inspections
Mechanical Inspectors review plans for boiler, elevator and gas installations and issue permits throughout Yukon.

Building Design Standards
Performance criteria, preferred materials or methods, and other considerations for the design and construction of Yukon Government buildings.

Building Permits and Inspections
Building Safety supports, administers and enforces building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical standards. It also reviews development permits and maintains a building information repository.

Burning Permits / Fire Permits
A burning permit is required for government lands and private lands between April 1 and September 30. Permits can be obtained free of charge from your local Wildland Fire Management district office and Fire Initial Attack Bases.

Business Development
You can recieve counseling information and technical advice on developing a business (start up or expansion).

Business Incentive Program
The Business Incentive Program (BIP) pays cash rebates as incentives to contractors who hire Yukon residents, apprentices and youth or manufactured products in the Yukon. Rebates apply to eligible Yukon government contracts.

Business Name Guidelines
Corporate Affairs registers information relating to partnerships and business names.

Campground Permits and information
You can self-register in all Yukon government campgrounds. Or, you can buy campground permits at visitor reception centres, Department of Environment offices and retail outlets throughout the Yukon, or from Territorial Agents in communities.

Catholic Schools
There are three Catholic schools in Whitehorse, operated by the Public Schools Branch of the Education department.

Change of Address
By completing just one change of address form, you can notify many territorial government offices and the City of Whitehorse that you're moving.

Child Care Services
Listing of all Yukon Child Care Centres, download the Day Home checklist for health concerns and find child care professional designation guidelines.

Child Care Subsidy Program
Helps families who need child care and may not be able to afford the cost.

Child Support - Maintenance Enforcement Program
Enforces agreements or court orders that require support payments to a spouse or child. Either parent can register with this program.

Child Support Guidelines
A set of rules and tables for calculating the amount of support a paying parent should contribute toward his or her children.

Children's Dental Health Program
A school-based program that provides diagnostic, preventative and restorative dental services to students.

Children's Drug and Optical Program
Assists low income families with the cost of prescription drugs and eye care for children under the age of 19.

Choosing Child Care
Advice, tips and checklists to help you choose childcare.

Chronic Disease Program
Provides benefits for Yukon residents who have a chronic disease or a serious functional disability.

Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program
To monitor Chronic Wasting Disease in Yukon cervids the Yukon government implemented a Mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program and a Voluntary Chronic Wasting Disease Certification Program in 2003.

Circles of Respect and Equality (C.O.R.E)
A multi-year awareness campaign focusing on zero tolerance of violence against women and children. C.O.R.E. has also developed a number of resources to assist women leaving abusive relations.

Communicable Disease Control
Monitors and controls all infectious diseases. Confidential testing for all sexually transmitted diseases. STD testing and treatment, emergency and non-emergency birth control, needle stick injuries, food poisoning, and more...

Community Development Fund (CDF)
The Community Development Fund (CDF) gives Yukon groups, associations and organizations money for projects and events that create jobs, contribute to community well being and bring social and economic benefits to Yukon residents.

Community Grants for Family Violence Projects
Yearly grants for a new idea or program relating to family violence. The total amount available is $2,500.

Community Health Centres
Listings and phone numbers for Community Health Centres in Yukon.

Community Justice
Community-based justice initiatives contribute to the protection of society and the health of communities and individuals. There are a number of community based justice programs offered in together with Yukon First Nations and Yukon communities.

Community Radio and Television Service
CBC-TV and CBC-FM radio are provided to communities not serviced by CBC.

Community Youth Activities
If you have an idea for a summer project for young people in your community, this program can help you get the funding to make it happen.

Community and Correctional Services
The primary goal of Community and Correctional Services is the safe integration of offenders into communities as law-abiding citizens. It provides programs and services for victims and offenders.

Company Registrations
Corporate Affairs establishes and maintains legislation related to commercial activities. It also establishes and maintains basic disclosure and information required for commercial activities in Yukon.

Conservation Action Team (CAT)
A summer camp for Yukon students in Grades 6-9. Outdoor adventure, learning about the environment, and hands-on conservation work. Participants travel to different parts of the Yukon for 7-10 days.

Conservation Officer Services
Turn-In- Poachers: 1-800-661-0525. Conservation Officers provide environmental education, environmental youth camps/projects, licenses for hunting, fishing and trapping, hunter and trapper education, resource management support and more.

Consumer Services
Consumer Services' aims to create and encourage a fair, efficient and informed marketplace for business and consumers.

Continuing Care
Home care, community day program, residential care programs and respite care services.

Contract Services
Advertises public tenders and requests for proposals, issues and processes tender/proposal documents, manages the preliminary review of bids and proposals, and administers contract insurance, bid deposits, contractor payments and holdbacks.

The Chief Coroner investigates unexpected or unnatural deaths. The findings of a Coroner's Inquest can find ways to prevent similar untimely tragedies and save lives.

Correcting a record
For corrections or amendments to a Birth/Marriage/Death Record.

Court Registries
Services include: Supreme Court civil filings and family matters such as divorce, custody and adoption, trial coordination, receipt of fines, bail and restitution, and other court-ordered payments and more...

Court of Appeal
Hears appeals of decisions made by the Territorial Court and the Supreme Court of Yukon in civil and criminal matters.

The Court of Appeal, Federal Court, Supreme Court, Territorial Court, Small Claims Court, Youth Court and others

Crime Prevention
Everyone has a role in making their home and their community safe and there are lots of ways to do it.

Crime Prevention Funding Program
Projects that provide services and information to victims of crime and projects that reduce the incidence of crime, address root causes, prevent violence against women and publicize information about crime prevention are eligible for funding.

Crime Prevention for Seniors
Protect yourself from fraud and be safe in your home and in your community.

Cultural Industry Training Fund
Funded by Department of Education and administered by MusicYukon, this fund assists Individual Yukon entrepreneurs, businesses, collectives, industry associations or organisations engaged in cultural industries or the arts.

Dangerous Goods (Transportation of)
For more information contact:; by phone at 867-667-3032 or 867-667-5920 or 1-800-661-0408 local 3032 (toll free within the Yukon)

Death certificate
How to order a Yukon death certificate

Department of Justice - bilingual services
Department of Justice offers a bilingual website. Yukon Courts website is also bilingual ( Bilingual staff are available for court and court-related services such as fine payments and document registrations.

Listing of links related to disabilities and disability services.

From time to time, the Yukon government has goods it can no longer use. It donates these to registered non-profit groups that apply in writing. Note that most of these goods need some repair and servicing by the group receiving them.

Driver Control Board
The Driver Control Board supports the balance of public safety and individual rights and responsibilities. This independent board appointed by cabinet hears and decides on appeals for driver licence restrictions and cancellations.

Driver's Licences
To obtain a driver licence contact any of the Yukon Motor Vehicle Offices

Education - bilingual services
Bilingual staff provide information on French programs in Yukon schools, as well as on bursaries, curriculum, training and resources.

Education Appeal Tribunal
This Tribunal hears appeals from parents and students who would like to go beyond the Department of Education to resolve a dispute. The tribunal considers the educational interests of the child, the impact on all students and all relevant factors.

Electrical Permits and Inspections
Electrical Inspectors review plans for electrical installations, perform inspections and issue permits throughout Yukon.

Emergency Measures
Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) is responsible for coordinating the territory's preparedness for, response to, and recovery from, major emergencies and disasters, including fire, flood, power failure, toxic spills and extreme weather.

Employment - Jobs
All job opportunities with the Yukon government are listed here.

Energy Solutions Centre
The Energy Solutions Centre delivers Federal and Yukon government programs and services relating to energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Energy, Mines and Resources Library
The EMR Library is open to the public and provides research assistance and materials for the following topics: mining, geology, energy, oil and gas, pipeline, forestry, agriculture and lands.

Enterprise Trade Fund
Stimulates and supports the growth of Yukon business activity through market penetration and expansion and business development.

Environment - bilingual services
Bilingual information on environmental, fishing, hunting and trapping regulations. Brochures in French on camping, fishing, wildlife and wilderness safety. Bilingual customer service representative.

Environmental Health
Engages in consultation and provides information, advice inspections and enforcement services on water quality, sewage and solid waste disposal, food quality, institutional hygiene, special events, recreational facilities and more.

Family Law
Family justice matters include separation and divorce and family violence.

Family Law Information Centre (FLIC)
The FLIC provides free information in the areas of child support, parenting after separation, and family law.

Family Violence Prevention Unit
Victim Services and Family Violence Prevention unit offers support services and professional help to victims of crime and abuse.

Filing for Divorce
Petitions for divorce must be filed in the Yukon Supreme Court. If you don't want to use a lawyer for your divorce, you can get a do-it-yourself divorce kit ($5). These are available from the Supreme Court desk in the Whitehorse court registry.

Film Development Fund
For the development of film projects which are financially and creatively controlled by Yukon residents and Yukon corporations.

Film Location Incentive Program
Yukon offers financial incentives to eligible productions who take advantage of the Yukon's spectacular film locations. Rebates are available for travel, Yukon labour and training.

Finding a doctor
A list of all licenced physicians in Yukon. Contact the Yukon Medical Council for the most up to date information.

Fire Marshal
The Fire Marshal's Office works to reduce the loss of life and property to fire. Services include Fire Fighter training, public edication, Volunteer Fire Departments and more.

The FireSmart program provides tools and information about fire protection strategies and emergency planning for homeowners. Protecting your home or community from the threat of fire in the wildland-urban interface is a shared responsibility.

First Nations Hunting and Fishing
First Nations people have a special relationship with fish and wildlife -- a relationship based on subsistence needs and values extending back thousands of years.

Fishing Licences
You must have a valid Yukon Angling Licence if you want to fish in the Yukon. The current licence is valid from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007.

Flu Shot
Between October and December, Yukon residents are being encouraged to get their flu shot. Flu shots are free for all Yukon residents.

Foster Care
A foster family acts as the temporary substitute family, where the child’s family is not available or where it is unable to assume responsibility for the child.

Francophone School Board
Operates the Yukon's only French first language school, École Émilie-Tremblay. Provides inforrmation on French first-language education.

French Language Services Directorate
Provides translation for Yukon government departments and information on French language services.

French Language Training (for adults)
Schedules, course descriptions and registration forms.

French School Programs
The Department of Education supports many different kinds of French language education in our public schools.

Fuel Oil User (Trucker) Permits
Any inter-provincial or through carrier must pay tax on fuel used in the Yukon.

Fuel Prices (for Yukon homes and automobiles)
See the average retail prices for motor and residential heating fuels in Yukon communities. Prices are collected every two weeks by the Bureau of Statistics on behalf of the Department of Energy, Mines & Resources.

Fuel Tax Exemption
Tax-exempt fuel is for authorised off-road commercial purposes. Authorised activities are mining, logging, outfitting, agriculture, trapping, fishing, hunting, tourism, and generation of electricity.

Fuel Vendor and Distributor Permits
A Fuel Vendor permit is required for anyone who sells any type of fuel. A person or company must become a licensed Fuel Distributor when fuel is imported into the Yukon and/or sold for resale.

Gadzoosda Student Residence
When there is no senior grade secondary school in a community, parents can apply to have their children stay at the 38-bed Gadzoosda Student Residence in Whitehorse and attend either F.H. Collins Secondary School or Vanier Catholic Secondary School.

Gazette Subscriptions
Get copies of the Yukon Gazette from Queen’s Printer (Legislative Subscriptions) or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Geographical Place Names
The Heritage Branch maintains and updates the Yukon Geographical Place Names database of over 5,000 records.

Works with its customers and the private sector to provide services in the areas of land and resource information, mapping and surveying, geographic information systems and remote sensing and image processing.

Grazing Agreements
Fact sheets offered here answer questions about agricultural land applications, grazing agreements and planned agricultural lots.

Green Home Programs
Programs and funding options designed to enhance home energy efficiency, increase affordability over the long term and reduce negative environmental impacts.

Hansard Search
Get copies of Hansard from Queen’s Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Health Card
Provides coverage for medically required hospital and medical services, and certain dental-surgical procedures.

Health Profession Education Bursary
Support Yukon students in attaining health profession education. Download the application online.

Health Promotion
Find out more about health Promotion campaigns. Includes public awareness campaigns, school and community workshops, supporting development of environments, which promote health, and conducting quality reviews of health programming.

Healthy Families
A voluntary service offering intensive home-based support to overburdened families, prenatally and/or at birth through school age.

Hearing Services
A complete range of audiology and hearing aid services to Yukon residents of all ages.

Heritage Training Fund
Funds limited-term training for Yukon independent heritage workers, groups, and collectives of workers. To enhance and advance their capacity to obtain and create employment and give prospective employers a better trained heritage labour force.

Highway Weight Restrictions
Restrictions are subject to change on short notice. Find out more about legal vehicle weight limits here.

Historic Properties Assistance Program
Helps individuals, community groups, societies, Yukon First Nations and businesses become involved in the heritage preservation process.

Historic Resources Fund
The types of projects considered include:archaeology, palaeontology, community museums, First Nations Heritage or Cultural Centres, historic sites, native language preservation, toponymy, historical research.

Historic Sites
Research, inventories, preservation, management, development and interpretation of Yukon's historic sites and routes. Find out how to nominate a site for historic designation.

General Holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Discovery Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, and Christmas Day. The public service and some others may also observe Heritage Day, Easter Monday and Boxing Day.

Home Education
Also known as home schooling and home-based learning, home education is an option available to all Yukon students. Students learn in their home and community and parents assume responsibility for their child's education.

Home Owner's Grant
Any homeowner can make apply for a Home Owner's Grant for their principal residence.

Home Ownership Programs
Bridges market gaps in the availability of home financing and encourages the construction or conversion of housing that is environmentally or people friendly.

Home Repair/Upgrades Programs
Financial and technical assistance for homeowners, owners of mobile homes on rental property, and owners of rental units. Assists with the repair and upgrade of living accommodations, including energy efficiency and accessibility upgrades.

Housing Education Programs
For home buyers, owners and owner/builders. Also for industry professionals.

Housing programs for seniors
Seniors' home and yard maintenance program, senior's lending library and seniors' social housing.

Hunter and Trapper Education
Before you head out on a hunt, remember: respect wildlife. Take only what you need. Use all that you take.

Hunting Licences
You must have a valid hunting licence to hunt in the Yukon. The current licence year runs from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008.

Immunization Schedule
Schedule of routine immunization for infants and children (PDF).

Incorporating a Yukon corporation
Forms for incorporation.

Industry Partnering Programs
Rental rehabilitation, rental suite program and the joint venture program.

Inquiry Desk - bilingual
To find the government service you are looking for, contact the Inquiry Desk: 867-667-5811 or toll-free (within Yukon) 1-800-661-0408.

Inspections (Field Operations, Forestry Inspections, Land Inspections, Natural Resource Officers, Client Services and Inspections)
Client Services and Inspections Natural Resources Officers provide inspection, monitoring, enforcement, compliance and community client support services for sustainable resources.

Insurance Premium Tax Returns
Annual premium returns must be filed if premiums have been sold to persons whose property was situated in the Yukon or persons who are residents in the Yukon.

Insured Health Benefits
Find out what is considered an insured service and what is not.
A resource for business people, entrepreneurs and investors.

Labour Services
Labour Services educates employers and employees about the Employment Standards Act, answers inquiries about the Act, investigates wage complaints and more.

Land Claims
The secretariat has information on the Umbrella Final Agreement and individual Yukon First Nation Final and Self-Government Agreements and Implementation Plans.

Land Lotteries/Tender Information
View the latest information on government land lotteries in the Yukon and find out how to pick-up a copy of the tender information packages.

Land Planning and Zoning
The Community Land Planning branch assists rural communities outside of municipalities with community plans, rezoning and new zoning regulations and subdivision applications.

Land Titles Office
The Yukon Land Titles Office registers all titled land within the Yukon and guarantees the accuracy of all titles. All original land titles and documents for properties in the Yukon are registered and stored at the Land Titles Office.

Land and Land Use Applications and Information
The Lands Branch accepts applications to sell, lease, develop and use land under Yukon government control. Applications and land use Information Sheets can be downloaded from this page.

Landlord -Tenant Act
Information about renting and complaints about breaches of the Landlord - Tenant Act are handled by Consumer Services. Arbitration of a dispute is also available.

Lands Maps and Survey Plans
View Community Lot Sale Maps, Legal Survey Plans and the Land and Mining Parcel Viewer.

Legislative Documents
Get copies of legislative documents (including Hansard, Yukon Gazette, Statutes and Regulations) from Queen's Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Includes public libraries, government libraries and school, college and education-based libraries.

Library cards
Library cards are available from any public library in the Yukon. Permanent residents can apply for a card with one piece of Yukon identification. A $10 refundable deposit is required from temporary residents.

Licences - Professional
Consumer Services manages licensing for many professions including, but not limited to: insurance, collection, real estate, security guards, optometrists, dentists, chiropractors and second-hand dealers.

Liens - Personal Property Security Registrations
Search for public notices of liens, or registered security interests between secured parties (creditors) and debtors.

Liquor ID Card
In Whitehorse, get a liquor ID card from Motor Vehicles at 308 Steele Street. In Dawson City, Faro, Haines Junction, Mayo and Watson Lake, get liquor ID cards from the liquor store.

Liquor Inspectors
Working with licensees, permit-holders, and liquor consumers, Liquor Inspectors promote compliance with the Liquor Act and Regulations through training, education, inspection, discussion, and enforcement.

Liquor Licences
A liquor licence is required to serve or sell liquor to the general public.

Liquor Permits
A Reception Permit is required for serving free liquor at an event. Non-profit organizations can apply for a Special Occasion Permit to sell liquor at an event.

Liquor Service Training Program
Be A Responsible Server (B.A.R.S.) is a free training program offered to licensees, premise managers, servers, and permit holders that can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. It is available in-person or in a self-study version.

Liquor Stores
Yukon Liquor Corporation manages six liquor stores throughout the Yukon. Prices are the same across the territory.

Lot enlargements
Provides authorization to use public lands to enlarge properties.

Marriage Licence
How to get married in Yukon: applying for a marriage licence and certificate.

Master Gardener Course
Experts in the field train volunteers by providing them with information and technical instruction in northern gardening techniques.

Maternity and Parental Leave
Frequently asked questions about maternity and parental leave.

Medical Health Officer
Responsible for communicable disease control, environmental health, emergency preparedness and response and more.

Medical Travel
Helps eligible people with the cost of medically necessary transportation.

Mental Health
A community mental health clinic offers assessment, individual and group therapy, supportive counselling and referral services for a wide range of emotional and behavioural problems and mental illnesses.

Minimum Wage regulations
Questions and answers about minimum wage regulations.

Mining (placer mining, quartz mining)
Exploration and mining is regulated by the Yukon government and key public institutions. Here, you will find the relevant legislation for mineral activities, as well as the standards, policies and procedures that inform decision-making.

Mining Assessment Reports
These reports are available as PDFs on the Internet. For assistance using the reports, phone (667-3111), e-mail ( or come into Yukon Energy, Mines & Resources Library (Room 335, Elijah Smith Building).

Mining Incentive Program
This program promotes mineral prospecting, exploration and development activities in the Yukon. It provides a portion of the risk capital required to locate and explore mineral deposits.

Mining Inspections
Client Services and Inspections Natural Resources Officers provide inspection, monitoring, enforcement, compliance and community client support services for natural resources.

Mining and Petroleum Environmental Research Group (MPERG)
MPERG is a cooperative working group made up of government agencies, mining companies, Yukon First Nations and non-government organizations for the promotion of research into mining and environmental issues.

Mosquito Control
Information Hotline: (867) 667-3760. Contact your local community office for more information on the Mosquito Control Program in Yukon communities. Whitehorse Mosquito Control Program information is available from the City of Whitehorse.

Motor Vehicle Online Registration (Renewal)
Renew your Yukon Motor Vehicle registration on-line. Convenient, fast and secure renewal for all your vehicles, trailers and recreational vehicles. Renew your licence plate stickers online and proof of registration will be mailed to you.

Motor Vehicle Registration
To register a vehicle, or if you have any questions about your registration, contact our offices. In Whitehorse call 867-667-5315 or 1-800-661-0408 local 5315 (toll free within Yukon).

Motor Vehicles - bilingual services
Bilingual staff are available for driver's tests, driver's licenses, license plates and vehicle registration.

Yukon Museum Guide: Online information about Yukon's Museums, Interpretive Centres, and First Nations Cultural/Heritage Centres.

Name change
How to legally change your name.

Non-Profit Organizations/Societies
Corporate Affairs manages a registry for non-profit societies under the Societies Act.

Nursing Bursary Program
Supports people who live or have lived in the Yukon and are attending nursing school. Download the application form online.

Office rentals
Contact this office to rent space to the Yukon government.

Oil and Gas Resources
The branch manages oil and gas resources, regulates activities and encourages the responsible development of Yukon’s emerging oil and gas industry.

Opening a Family Day Home
If you are caring for children in your home, you may want to be licensed as a family day home.

Organ Donation Program
What you need to know about organ and tissue donation. Help give the gift of life.

Palaeontology Program
Inventories and curates Yukon fossils and conducts research on Yukon’s ancient life and environments.

Yukon parks range from recreation parks for camping to Wilderness Preserves and National Parks that have been established to protect the ecological integrity and biological diversity of the territory.

Pay a Fine
You can pay motor vehicle, Criminal Code and territorial offence fines in several locations.

Pharmacare & Extended Health Care Benefits (for seniors)
Helps registered senior citizens with the cost of prescription drugs, dental care, eye care and medical-surgical supplies and equipment.

Placement and Support Services (for children)
Includes adoption, foster care, services for children in care, child abuse treatment and child care services.

Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women
$100,000 yearly for programs and events designed and developed by Aboriginal women for their communities. Works to eliminate violence against Aboriginal women.

Product Development Partnership Program
Stimulate the development of niche tourism products, facilitates tourism workshops and builds capacity throughout the Yukon.

Products and Prices - Yukon Liquor Corporation
Liquor price list and new product announcements can be found here. You can also fill out a suggestion form for new products.

Property taxes and assesment
Provides current, accurate and equitable property assessments to taxing authorities.

Public Guardian and Trustee
Protects the legal rights and financial interests of children, acts as guardian of last resort for adults who need financial and personal decision making, and administers estates of dead and missing people if there is no one else to do so.

Public Schools
The Public Schools branch manages the operation of public schools, including Catholic schools. The branch provides curricula and learning materials, language programs in both French and aboriginal languages, professional development for teachers and more.

Public Tenders
See what projects are in tender now.

The central authority for buying goods for all departments and agencies. Supports the development and expansion of local manufacturing by purchasing local products when feasible and economically viable.

Reading Recovery TM
Reading Recovery is an early intervention program for Grade One students who need extra support learning to read and write.

Recycling Club
Earn great prizes by helping your community recycling depot and helping to keep your community litter-free!

Regional Economic Development Fund
Funds are available for projects that promote organizational capacity and facilitate regional economic development.

Renewable Energy
The Energy Solutions Centre delivers Federal and Yukon government programs and services relating to energy efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Tenant responsibilities under the Yukon Landlord and Tenant Act.

Reporting Child Abuse
Call 867-667-3002 to report concerns. All Yukoners have a responsibility to ensure the protection of children from abuse.

Reporting a workplace injury of illness (for a worker)
Report workplace injuries or illnesses online.

Reporting workplace injury or illness (for an employer)
Report a worker's illness or injury online, to the Yukon Workers' Comensataion Health and Safety Board.

Residential Energy Audit - Energy Guide
Certified EnerGuide energy auditors, available through the private sector, provide high-tech information regarding your home to help you decide on repair and energy upgrade options.

Retirement Planning (for public service employees)
A guide to help you with some of the basic components of retirement planning.

Road Report
Daily updates on Yukon road conditions.

Road construction
The Transportation Engineering branch of Highways and Public Works is responsible for road construction.

Rural Electrification and Telecommunications Program
Available to owners of rural property owners. Supports a range of electrical service installations, it provides planing, design, project management, and project financing at favorable interest rates.

School Councils
School councils are elected bodies of parents or community members. They review and approve school plans, participate in the hiring of the school's principal and more. To contact a school council, speak with your local school.

Find school contact information here.

The Securities Registrar can provide general information on investing and securities in Canada.

Seniors Income Supplement
An income supplement of up to $100 monthly to low income seniors 65 years and over who are also receiving the federal old age security (OAS) and guaranteed income supplement (GIS).

Seniors and Elder Abuse
Help is available for seniors/elders experiencing abuse or neglect.

Sheriff's Office
Enforces civil judgments, responsible for jury selection, management of judge and jury trials, serving civil documents and for providing security to the Law Courts and the judiciary.

Small Business Investment Tax Credit
This tax credit is intended to create jobs and promote economic growth and expansion in the Yukon by reducing financial risk for investors in Yukon companies.

Small Claims Court
Hears civil cases in which the amount of money or the value of personal property being claimed is $25,000 or less.

Social Housing
For individuals, families and seniors "in need" who cannot secure affordable, adequate and suitable housing on the private housing market.

Social Services - bilingual support worker
To reach a bilingual family support worker, phone: 867-667-3757.

Sound Recording Program
The Yukon Sound Recording Program supports the Yukon recording industry, further develops the cultural industries sector, and encourages a business focus among the Yukon music industry.

Source list
You can register online for the Source List, a directory of contractors, suppliers of goods and services, and consultants who want to do business with the Yukon government.

Special Education Programs
Some Yukon students need special support to participate fully in school.

Sport and Recreation
Leadership, resources and support to promote the stability of the Yukon sport, recreation and active living system.

Staffing Process Public Information Sessions
Would you like to learn more about the Yukon Government’s staffing process? If so, you can register for a FREE information session.

The Bureau of Statistics gathers statistics and conducts research, analysis and surveys. Publications cover a broad range of information on the Yukon's economy and society. Contact the bureau to have your name placed on a mailing list.

Strategic Industries Development Fund
Assistance is available for strategic projects or activities in the preliminary, development and implementation stages.

Student Financial Assistance (apply online)
Five programs provide financial help to Yukon post-secondary students. These include the Yukon Grant, the Student Training allowance, the Yukon Excellence Awards, Canada Student Loan programs and a variety of scholarships. Apply online today.

Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) and Summer Career Placement
Looking for summer employment in Yukon? If you're a full-time Yukon post-secondary student and plan to resume your studies in the fall, STEP is for you.

Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) for employers
Government and non-government employers can apply for a wage subsidy to help provide summer jobs for Yukon post-secondary students.

Student Transcripts and Records Request
Current and former students can access copies of their official Transcript of Grades, and/or their student records. Fill out an online transcript request form.

Student Transportation
Call the Student Transportation Office if you have questions about school busing and other transportation issues, including schedules routes, transportation subsidies and transportation regulations in general.

Stumpage Dues and Reforestation Rates
Dues and charges apply to Yukon Section 6 Class A, B, C, F and G (round wood only) permit holders.

Subdivision Approval
The Community Land Planning branch assists rural communities that are located outside of municipalities.

Summer School
Summer school courses are available for secondary students who have not successfully completed a course and for students who want to strengthen their skills in one of a core subject.

Supreme Court
The highest trial court in the territory, with broad jurisdiction to try a wide range of civil and serious criminal matters.

Sur les routes du Yukon
This brochure has information for travellers on Yukon road construction and is available at visitor information centres.

Technology Assisted Learning
Technology is used to expand and enhance the learning environment for Yukon students and teachers. Schools in remote communities have the same access to the latest technology.

Teen Parent Program
The Teen Parent program provides a supportive environment to help young parents finish high school. It teaches parenting skills, as well as healthy meal preparation, money management and effective job-search techniques.

Telephone book (Yukon government staff listings)
Search for employees online or get copies of the government telephone directory from Queen's Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Tendering Forecast
Search online for all projects that might be tendered in the current fiscal year.

Territorial Agent Services
Rural community liquor stores also provide public access to government services such as driver licenses, fishing licenses, motor vehicle registrations, property taxes, business licenses and court fines.

Territorial Agents
Provide a range of government services in communities. Are located in government liquor store buildings in five communities.

Territorial Court
Deals with most adult criminal prosecutions under the Criminal Code and other federal statutes. Also hears all youth justice matters and prosecutions under territorial laws.

The Film Production Fund
The fund offers financial contributions for the production of films which are financially and creatively controlled by Yukon residents and Yukon corporations.

Timber Harvest Permits Approval Process
You must have a timber permit to cut and remove trees on Yukon land. There are several types of permits, so it is important you have a clear idea of what you want to harvest and produce before you start the permitting process.

Tobacco Retailer and Wholesaler Permits
These permits are required by anyone selling tobacco products.

Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund
Funding is available for market-ready or export-ready businesses and groups.

Tourism Industry Services
Provides market intelligence, travel trade FAM tours, tourism marketplace, cooperative marketing, tourism e-marketing, and industry liaison services and programs.

Trade School registration
Find out how to register a trade school with Yukon government.

Translation (French)
The French Language Services Directorate provides translation services for Yukon government departments and provides information on French language services.

Transportation Permits
Permits for access roads, freight vehicles, oversize and overweight vehicles, bus, fuel permits and more...

Canadian citizens over the age of 16 who have successfully completed a recognized trapper training workshop may qualify for a licence.

Travel Clinics
The Travel Clinics at the Whitehorse Health Centre are recommended for all travellers.

Turn in Poachers / Polluters line
Call 1-800-661-0525. FInd out more here.

Victim Services
Victim Services and Family Violence Prevention unit offers support services and professional help to victims of crime and abuse.

Visitor Information Centres
Make the most of your Yukon adventure with advice, travel tips, road and weather information from travel specialists at Yukon Visitor Information Centres.

Vital Statistics
Register and order certificates for life events, like a birth, death or marriage.

Water Resources
This section administers water-related policies, regulations and programs under the Waters Act (Yukon).

Weigh Stations
Whitehorse and Watson Lake weigh stations. Outlines what permits you will need and their fees.

Whitehorse Correctional Centre
The Whitehorse Correctional Centre is a 85-bed multi-level Territorial institution. It is the only correctional facility currently operating in Yukon.

Whitehorse General Hospital
Whitehorse General Hospital offers assistance for French-speaking patients, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to noon.

Whitehorse Health Centre
Bilingual staff offer immunizations, prenatal classes, postnatal care and health information.

Wildlife Viewing
The Wildlife Viewing Program will help you find the best places, and give you tips about how to look, where to find out more information and what else is out there that you might not have noticed.

Winter Activities Fund
The Winter Activities Fund gives money to communities to offer winter programs that are fun and provide training and jobs for young people.

Women's Directorate Resource Library
More than 2,800 books, reports, manuals, journals and video are availble for borrowing by the public. The library is open to the public during regular business hours and material can be borrowed for up to two weeks.

Women's Groups
Find listings for Women's groups, shelters, transition homes and Women's Centres.

Worker Safety
Worker's rights, responsibilities and more...

Worker's Advocate
Advocates on behalf of injured workers. Main duty is to advise workers and dependants of deceased workers on the workers' compensation process, and the meaning and effect of compensation claims.

Yukon student network.

Youth Criminal Justice Act
Applies to people aged 12-17 inclusive at the time they are alleged to have committed an offence.

Youth Criminal Justice Act (for parents)
Your support will be critical if your child is faced with going through the criminal justice system and maneuvering through the YCJA.

Youth Leadership Training
A Youth Leadership Training Workshop is held every July. Up to 50 youth from around Yukon travel to Whitehorse to learn about what it means to be a leader and provide activities for other youth in their community.

Yukon Archives
Acquires, preserves, and provides access to the Yukon's documentary heritage.

Yukon Arts Funding Program
Supports non-profit societies primarily engaged in literary, visual or performing arts activities.

Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre
Watch Berengia come alive and explore treasures of another world.

Yukon Business Directory
Puts you in touch with Yukon businesses. To find a Yukon business, simply enter a keyword, business name, category or location using the search fields.

Yukon Craft Strategy
Includes Created In the Yukon initiative and the Studio Guide.

Yukon Film and Sound Commission
The Yukon Film and Sound Commission supports Yukon's growing film and sound recording industries in the Yukon.

Yukon Filmmakers Fund
The Yukon Filmmakers Fund provides funding to Yukon film and video professionals to assist them in developing viable careers and businesses making films and videos for broadcast or commercial release.

Yukon Geological Survey (geology, geoscience)
Through the development of a modern geoscience database, the Yukon Geology Survey promotes sustainable mineral and oil and gas resource development and management.

Yukon Government Lots for Sale (including Whitehorse)
You can find a summary of lots available for sale in Yukon communities here.

Yukon Housing Corporation bilingual services
Bilingual information on technical and financial housing programs.

Yukon Medical Council
Responsible for regulating the practice of medicine by licensed physicians in the Yukon. All doctors working in the Yukon must be licensed by the Yukon Medical Council.

Yukon Mining Recorder
The Yukon is divided into four mining districts with Mining Recorders in Watson Lake, Whitehorse, Mayo and Dawson City. These offices provide staking guidelines, information sheets, assistance, and information on ground open for staking.

Yukon Native Language Centre
The Yukon Native Language Centre is a training and research facility which provides a range of lingustic and educational services to Yukon First Nations and to the general public. Find out more about Yukon language, culture and history.

Yukon Vacation Planner
Order your FREE Vacation Planner here!

Yukon Venture Loan Guarantee Program
This program encourages certain business loans by providing added security to lenders.

Yukon Youth Conservation Corps (Y2C2)
A summer employment and training program for Yukon students (aged 16 and up), with an emphasis on environmental work and learning.