Government of Yukon


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Campground Permits and information
You can self-register in all Yukon government campgrounds. Or, you can buy campground permits at visitor reception centres, Department of Environment offices and retail outlets throughout the Yukon, or from Territorial Agents in communities.

Catholic Schools
There are three Catholic schools in Whitehorse, operated by the Public Schools Branch of the Education department.

Change of Address
By completing just one change of address form, you can notify many territorial government offices and the City of Whitehorse that you're moving.

Child Care Services
Listing of all Yukon Child Care Centres, download the Day Home checklist for health concerns and find child care professional designation guidelines.

Child Care Subsidy Program
Helps families who need child care and may not be able to afford the cost.

Child Support - Maintenance Enforcement Program
Enforces agreements or court orders that require support payments to a spouse or child. Either parent can register with this program.

Child Support Guidelines
A set of rules and tables for calculating the amount of support a paying parent should contribute toward his or her children.

Children's Drug and Optical Program
Assists low income families with the cost of prescription drugs and eye care for children under the age of 19.

Choosing Child Care
Advice, tips and checklists to help you choose childcare.

Chronic Disease Program
Provides benefits for Yukon residents who have a chronic disease or a serious functional disability.

Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program
To monitor Chronic Wasting Disease in Yukon cervids the Yukon government implemented a Mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program and a Voluntary Chronic Wasting Disease Certification Program in 2003.

Circles of Respect and Equality (C.O.R.E)
A multi-year awareness campaign focusing on zero tolerance of violence against women and children. C.O.R.E. has also developed a number of resources to assist women leaving abusive relations.

Communicable Disease Control
Monitors and controls all infectious diseases. Confidential testing for all sexually transmitted diseases. STD testing and treatment, emergency and non-emergency birth control, needle stick injuries, food poisoning, and more...

Community Development Fund (CDF)
The Community Development Fund (CDF) gives Yukon groups, associations and organizations money for projects and events that create jobs, contribute to community well being and bring social and economic benefits to Yukon residents.

Community Grants for Family Violence Projects
Yearly grants for a new idea or program relating to family violence. The total amount available is $2,500.

Community Health Centres
Listings and phone numbers for Community Health Centres in Yukon.

Community Justice
Community-based justice initiatives contribute to the protection of society and the health of communities and individuals. There are a number of community based justice programs offered in together with Yukon First Nations and Yukon communities.

Community Radio and Television Service
CBC-TV and CBC-FM radio are provided to communities not serviced by CBC.

Community Youth Activities
If you have an idea for a summer project for young people in your community, this program can help you get the funding to make it happen.

Community and Correctional Services
The primary goal of Community and Correctional Services is the safe integration of offenders into communities as law-abiding citizens. It provides programs and services for victims and offenders.

Conservation Action Team (CAT)
A summer camp for Yukon students in Grades 6-9. Outdoor adventure, learning about the environment, and hands-on conservation work. Participants travel to different parts of the Yukon for 7-10 days.

Conservation Officer Services
Turn-In- Poachers: 1-800-661-0525. Conservation Officers provide environmental education, environmental youth camps/projects, licenses for hunting, fishing and trapping, hunter and trapper education, resource management support and more.

Consumer Services
Consumer Services' aims to create and encourage a fair, efficient and informed marketplace for business and consumers.

Continuing Care
Home care, community day program, residential care programs and respite care services.

Contract Services
Advertises public tenders and requests for proposals, issues and processes tender/proposal documents, manages the preliminary review of bids and proposals, and administers contract insurance, bid deposits, contractor payments and holdbacks.

The Chief Coroner investigates unexpected or unnatural deaths. The findings of a Coroner's Inquest can find ways to prevent similar untimely tragedies and save lives.

Correcting a record
For corrections or amendments to a Birth/Marriage/Death Record.

Court Registries
Services include: Supreme Court civil filings and family matters such as divorce, custody and adoption, trial coordination, receipt of fines, bail and restitution, and other court-ordered payments and more...

Court of Appeal
Hears appeals of decisions made by the Territorial Court and the Supreme Court of Yukon in civil and criminal matters.

The Court of Appeal, Federal Court, Supreme Court, Territorial Court, Small Claims Court, Youth Court and others

Crime Prevention
Everyone has a role in making their home and their community safe and there are lots of ways to do it.

Crime Prevention Funding Program
Projects that provide services and information to victims of crime and projects that reduce the incidence of crime, address root causes, prevent violence against women and publicize information about crime prevention are eligible for funding.

Crime Prevention for Seniors
Protect yourself from fraud and be safe in your home and in your community.

Cultural Industry Training Fund
Funded by Department of Education and administered by MusicYukon, this fund assists Individual Yukon entrepreneurs, businesses, collectives, industry associations or organisations engaged in cultural industries or the arts.

Inspections (Field Operations, Forestry Inspections, Land Inspections, Natural Resource Officers, Client Services and Inspections)
Client Services and Inspections Natural Resources Officers provide inspection, monitoring, enforcement, compliance and community client support services for sustainable resources.

Yukon Craft Strategy
Includes Created In the Yukon initiative and the Studio Guide.