Government of Yukon

Energy, Mines and Resources

Aerial photos
Find Yukon aerial photos online with SkyLine. For help using SkyLine, call 667-3111, e-mail or visit the Yukon Energy, Mines & Resources Library at Room 335, Elijah Smith Building.

Agricultural Land Applications
These fact sheets provide information about agricultural land applications, grazing agreements and planned agricultural lots.

Agricultural Policy Framework
The Agricultural Policy Framework offers programs that give the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry the tools, services and options to strengthen business and increase prosperity.

Agriculture Extension Services
The Agriculture Branch provides advice to farmers on all aspects of farm management, production, marketing, conservation techniques, new farm technology, and farm financing through extension services.

Assay Coupon Program
Prospectors can get coupons toward the cost of an assay or analysis. The Assay Coupon Program promotes and supports grassroots mineral prospecting and exploration activities in Yukon.

Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program
To monitor Chronic Wasting Disease in Yukon cervids the Yukon government implemented a Mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program and a Voluntary Chronic Wasting Disease Certification Program in 2003.

Energy Solutions Centre
The Energy Solutions Centre delivers Federal and Yukon government programs and services relating to energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Energy, Mines and Resources Library
The EMR Library is open to the public and provides research assistance and materials for the following topics: mining, geology, energy, oil and gas, pipeline, forestry, agriculture and lands.

Fuel Prices (for Yukon homes and automobiles)
See the average retail prices for motor and residential heating fuels in Yukon communities. Prices are collected every two weeks by the Bureau of Statistics on behalf of the Department of Energy, Mines & Resources.

Grazing Agreements
Fact sheets offered here answer questions about agricultural land applications, grazing agreements and planned agricultural lots.

Inspections (Field Operations, Forestry Inspections, Land Inspections, Natural Resource Officers, Client Services and Inspections)
Client Services and Inspections Natural Resources Officers provide inspection, monitoring, enforcement, compliance and community client support services for sustainable resources.

Land Lotteries/Tender Information
View the latest information on government land lotteries in the Yukon and find out how to pick-up a copy of the tender information packages.

Land and Land Use Applications and Information
The Lands Branch accepts applications to sell, lease, develop and use land under Yukon government control. Applications and land use Information Sheets can be downloaded from this page.

Lands Maps and Survey Plans
View Community Lot Sale Maps, Legal Survey Plans and the Land and Mining Parcel Viewer.

Lot enlargements
Provides authorization to use public lands to enlarge properties.

Master Gardener Course
Experts in the field train volunteers by providing them with information and technical instruction in northern gardening techniques.

Mining (placer mining, quartz mining)
Exploration and mining is regulated by the Yukon government and key public institutions. Here, you will find the relevant legislation for mineral activities, as well as the standards, policies and procedures that inform decision-making.

Mining Assessment Reports
These reports are available as PDFs on the Internet. For assistance using the reports, phone (667-3111), e-mail ( or come into Yukon Energy, Mines & Resources Library (Room 335, Elijah Smith Building).

Mining Incentive Program
This program promotes mineral prospecting, exploration and development activities in the Yukon. It provides a portion of the risk capital required to locate and explore mineral deposits.

Mining Inspections
Client Services and Inspections Natural Resources Officers provide inspection, monitoring, enforcement, compliance and community client support services for natural resources.

Mining and Petroleum Environmental Research Group (MPERG)
MPERG is a cooperative working group made up of government agencies, mining companies, Yukon First Nations and non-government organizations for the promotion of research into mining and environmental issues.

Oil and Gas Resources
The branch manages oil and gas resources, regulates activities and encourages the responsible development of Yukon’s emerging oil and gas industry.

Renewable Energy
The Energy Solutions Centre delivers Federal and Yukon government programs and services relating to energy efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Stumpage Dues and Reforestation Rates
Dues and charges apply to Yukon Section 6 Class A, B, C, F and G (round wood only) permit holders.

Timber Harvest Permits Approval Process
You must have a timber permit to cut and remove trees on Yukon land. There are several types of permits, so it is important you have a clear idea of what you want to harvest and produce before you start the permitting process.

Yukon Geological Survey (geology, geoscience)
Through the development of a modern geoscience database, the Yukon Geology Survey promotes sustainable mineral and oil and gas resource development and management.

Yukon Government Lots for Sale (including Whitehorse)
You can find a summary of lots available for sale in Yukon communities here.

Yukon Mining Recorder
The Yukon is divided into four mining districts with Mining Recorders in Watson Lake, Whitehorse, Mayo and Dawson City. These offices provide staking guidelines, information sheets, assistance, and information on ground open for staking.