Government of Yukon


Beverage Container Refunds/Recycling
In Whitehorse, return bottles (glass and plastic) and cans for deposit refunds to the Raven Recycling (100 Galena Road). Outside of Whitehorse, you can return liqour bottles and cans for a refund at government liquor stores.

Campground Permits and information
You can self-register in all Yukon government campgrounds. Or, you can buy campground permits at visitor reception centres, Department of Environment offices and retail outlets throughout the Yukon, or from Territorial Agents in communities.

Conservation Action Team (CAT)
A summer camp for Yukon students in Grades 6-9. Outdoor adventure, learning about the environment, and hands-on conservation work. Participants travel to different parts of the Yukon for 7-10 days.

Conservation Officer Services
Turn-In- Poachers: 1-800-661-0525. Conservation Officers provide environmental education, environmental youth camps/projects, licenses for hunting, fishing and trapping, hunter and trapper education, resource management support and more.

First Nations Hunting and Fishing
First Nations people have a special relationship with fish and wildlife -- a relationship based on subsistence needs and values extending back thousands of years.

Fishing Licences
You must have a valid Yukon Angling Licence if you want to fish in the Yukon. The current licence is valid from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007.

Hunter and Trapper Education
Before you head out on a hunt, remember: respect wildlife. Take only what you need. Use all that you take.

Hunting Licences
You must have a valid hunting licence to hunt in the Yukon. The current licence year runs from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008.

Yukon parks range from recreation parks for camping to Wilderness Preserves and National Parks that have been established to protect the ecological integrity and biological diversity of the territory.

Recycling Club
Earn great prizes by helping your community recycling depot and helping to keep your community litter-free!

Canadian citizens over the age of 16 who have successfully completed a recognized trapper training workshop may qualify for a licence.

Turn in Poachers / Polluters line
Call 1-800-661-0525. FInd out more here.

Water Resources
This section administers water-related policies, regulations and programs under the Waters Act (Yukon).

Wildlife Viewing
The Wildlife Viewing Program will help you find the best places, and give you tips about how to look, where to find out more information and what else is out there that you might not have noticed.

Yukon Youth Conservation Corps (Y2C2)
A summer employment and training program for Yukon students (aged 16 and up), with an emphasis on environmental work and learning.