Government of Yukon


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Children's Dental Health Program
A school-based program that provides diagnostic, preventative and restorative dental services to students.

Hansard Search
Get copies of Hansard from Queen’s Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Health Card
Provides coverage for medically required hospital and medical services, and certain dental-surgical procedures.

Health Profession Education Bursary
Support Yukon students in attaining health profession education. Download the application online.

Health Promotion
Find out more about health Promotion campaigns. Includes public awareness campaigns, school and community workshops, supporting development of environments, which promote health, and conducting quality reviews of health programming.

Healthy Families
A voluntary service offering intensive home-based support to overburdened families, prenatally and/or at birth through school age.

Hearing Services
A complete range of audiology and hearing aid services to Yukon residents of all ages.

Heritage Training Fund
Funds limited-term training for Yukon independent heritage workers, groups, and collectives of workers. To enhance and advance their capacity to obtain and create employment and give prospective employers a better trained heritage labour force.

Historic Properties Assistance Program
Helps individuals, community groups, societies, Yukon First Nations and businesses become involved in the heritage preservation process.

Historic Resources Fund
The types of projects considered include:archaeology, palaeontology, community museums, First Nations Heritage or Cultural Centres, historic sites, native language preservation, toponymy, historical research.

Historic Sites
Research, inventories, preservation, management, development and interpretation of Yukon's historic sites and routes. Find out how to nominate a site for historic designation.

General Holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Discovery Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, and Christmas Day. The public service and some others may also observe Heritage Day, Easter Monday and Boxing Day.

Home Education
Also known as home schooling and home-based learning, home education is an option available to all Yukon students. Students learn in their home and community and parents assume responsibility for their child's education.

Home Owner's Grant
Any homeowner can make apply for a Home Owner's Grant for their principal residence.

Home Ownership Programs
Bridges market gaps in the availability of home financing and encourages the construction or conversion of housing that is environmentally or people friendly.

Home Repair/Upgrades Programs
Financial and technical assistance for homeowners, owners of mobile homes on rental property, and owners of rental units. Assists with the repair and upgrade of living accommodations, including energy efficiency and accessibility upgrades.

Housing Education Programs
For home buyers, owners and owner/builders. Also for industry professionals.

Hunter and Trapper Education
Before you head out on a hunt, remember: respect wildlife. Take only what you need. Use all that you take.

Hunting Licences
You must have a valid hunting licence to hunt in the Yukon. The current licence year runs from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008.